NMEA Tools Privacy Policy

We takes your privacy seriously and will uphold the highest standards to protect it. By using our app or by visiting our website, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy. Our apps and the website may contain links to other sites or products and we are not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices of other companies. When linking to another company, you should read that company's privacy policy.

Location permission

The android apps "NMEA Tools"  requires location permission. The main purpose of the apps are to record activities route for runners, bikers, drivers, etc. The request of location permission is mandatory and failure to provide this permission may make it impossible for the above apps to provide its service.

Background logging

The location logging process runs in background in order to prevent any location data lost when users switch to other apps. The logging process start when user press "Log" button. The logging process run even when the app is not in use or closed. The logging process will be stopped when user press "Log" button again.

Handle Personal and Sensitive Information

All the sensitive gps data are collected and stored in the app internally. No data will be shared or transferred in any forms unintentionally. All the gps data will be used in the app for reviewing the logged route and conversion to other file formats.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we make changes in the way we use information, we will update this page. Users are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when he or she uses the product or website after such changes have been first posted.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy, please send us a detailed message to peterhohsy@gmail.com. We will make every effort to resolve your concerns.