NLP for Clinical IE
AIME 2017 Tutorial: Natural Language Processing for Clinical Information Extraction
21 June 2017
This tutorial will focus on a high-level introduction to NLP applied to clinical text. It will include a presentation of NLP and information extraction, characteristics of clinical text, existing NLP tools applied to clinical text, an overview of clinical NLP projects preparation and tools evaluation, and hands-on exercises with NLP tools to illustrate the theory presented. This tutorial addresses the need in the community to learn through hands-on experience how to apply and experiment with NLP tools that are publicly available.
A set of de-identified clinical documents will be used to illustrate the process of implementing an NLP tool. The documents will be described along with the target concepts that will be extracted.
Aims: At the end of this tutorial, participants will be able to
- Identify and explain the characteristics of clinical text
- Distinguish the various methods used to extract information from clinical text
- Compare these information extraction methods, existing tools, and terminological resources
- Benefit from hands-on experience with a selection of NLP tools adapted to clinical text
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
University of Utah & Department of Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, USA