Domestic Molecule-type Workshop

 " Non-linear Nature of
Cosmological Perturbations and 

its Observational Consequences" 

March 13th (Mon.) - 30th (Thu.), 2023

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

Due to the intrinsic non-linearity of gravity, the statistical nature of cosmological fluctuations, which serve as the seeds for all observable structures in the universe, results in non-Gaussianity. The origin of this non-Gaussian nature of cosmological perturbations is twofold. One is the initial, primordial non-Gaussianity believed to be generated during inflation, and the other is the evolutionary one developed during the gravitational evolution after inflation. Thus, non-Gaussianity is a useful tool to test both the physics of the early universe and the nature of gravitational interaction. Furthermore, ongoing and future surveys will measure/constrain non-Gaussianity at the unprecedented level of accuracy. The aim of the molecule workshop is, facing the observational progress, to promote stimulating and intensive discussions among the experts on the theoretical perspectives on non-Gaussianity and to initiate possible collaborations.

Schedule & Venue

Dates: March 13th (Mon.) - 30th (Thus.),  2023

Venue: K206, Research Building, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics [Access Map]



Talk List



Participants List