Welcome to the
Small Business Response Team
Powered by //NKST and students from the School of Communications and Information at Rutgers.
Helping small businesses overcome the challenges of change.
In response to the Covid-19 crisis, //NKST is partnering with the School of Communications and Information at Rutgers University to launch a non-profit, pilot program supporting small business.
The program will provide free marketing support for Main Street and Small Businesses that need help navigating the new challenges of a pandemic business environment, as well as provide valuable experience for students.
College Grads and Students
Be a part of a purpose-driven, collaborative internship that brings together the expertise and experience of professionals from //NKST with the perspective of Rutgers University college graduates and students.
Small Businesses Owners
Be a part of a non-profit, collaborative program and receive up to 3-months of digital marketing support at no-cost to help drive awareness and reconnect your business with your customers
Light Your Light, Let It Burn So Bright.
Together, we will provide Small Business with the partnership and support that is needed - helping them know where to go next and how to make the necessary bold moves with confidence.
If you would like to find out more about the //NKST Small Business Response Team, please contact Jane Okkinga at, jane.o@whatsnkst.com or 816-344-2520.