What I Am Learning During the COVID-19 Crisis

By Luis Mendoza Aguilar

What Am I Learning During the COVID-19 Crisis?

By Luis Mendoza Aguilar

We have been living without measure, like everything we have has been taken for granted, like health, family, friends, even our jobs. We have been acting without thinking and we could not find a moment in our lives to take a pause and breathe, enjoy our surroundings, taste the water, feel the air, cherish the love, and hear the nature. We have been living by adding value to things that we do not need today. We have been living a shallow life, with selfish behavior feeding our greed.

Now is the time to think about what really matters and define our top priorities. Now is the time for a wake up call, as our families, our friends, our lives, our futures depend on it.

Thanks to COVID-19 I am learning that love beats money, fear is our worst enemy and loneliness is a big issue to avoid. I am learning that we can conquer the world and win any battle, but winning without learning and applying what we learned is a tragic loss.