As many of you may already know, Google has released updates at Google Play console and introduced Android vitals. One of the good particularities is that now the session ANRs & Crashes shows all ANRs & crashes collected from Android devices whose users have opted in to automatically share usage and diagnostics data (during phone first setup).

Crashes from unpublished versions will still appear on the console under the 'All versions' option. So take this answer as a way to identify and filter those crashes, not to prevent them from being logged.

Download Google Play Console

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On the Start-up time page, you can see details about when your app starts slowly from cold, warm, and hot system states. Start-up time measures the time it takes from when a user launches your app, to when the first frames appear on the screen. This is also known as 'time to initial display'.

Most games on Google Play should aim for 30 FPS or higher. This provides a reasonable experience for users, regardless of what type of game they're playing (though some users will prefer at least 60 FPS, especially on higher-end devices). Monitor the slow session rate (30 FPS) metric to ensure you're achieving this bar. Keep in mind that this metric only includes sessions where more than 25% of frames are missing 30 FPS so it has some tolerance for frame rate variability.

While 30 FPS provides a reasonable experience, there may be times or types of games where it makes sense to drop the frame rate below this, or users may want to play your game on phones that cannot support 30 FPS. In these scenarios, at least 75% of frames in a session should still achieve 20 FPS or higher. Monitor the slow session rate (20 FPS) metric to ensure you're meeting this bar.

We recommend that you only add your testers either through Play Console OR from the Android app settings page in the Google Admin console. If a user is selected to test from both Play Console and Admin console, they will get the highest version among all the app versions available.

I have my google play account set up and I am trying to programmatically download the reports (stats/Financials) using Azure data factory. 

The "Copy Cloud Storage URI" provides the link to the storage bucket(Starts with "pubsite_") where the data is stored.

Looks like the csv files here are stored in some compressed format. When I copy the file through Azure data factory it copies a blank file. The file with size 30KB when I download in my mac becomes 500KB and I can see all the data.

My question here, Is there any compression mechanism that is used in storage of these reports in Google cloud storage?

@cristianrm ,

Thank you for the response. I followed step 1 and step 2.

Created the service account and gave it access to the new project I created in Googe Developers console.

I am still not able to see the reports in the new project I have created. Should I create a bucket in the project? If so, How do I make sure the reports land in that bucket?

Once the reports are there in the new project only I can extract them from the azure data factory.

I guess, I need a little more clarity on this.


I have a conflict here I have managed to download the keyfile that Google says it signs all my apps. Its file name is "deployment_cert.der". You click on the app in Google Play Console and pick API integrity/ App Signing and it displays it.

If you want to use a new key there is a very complex set of programming you have to download to encrypt any other key, and retransmit it back to google.

MIT AI2 uses the filename "android.keystore" for importing and exporting the private key used to create the app bundle.

Neither can explain how to use one or the other key!

Link your Firebase app to yourGoogle Play developer account.This same link will be used by your Play Games services project.

In the Firebase console, go to theIntegrations tab.On the Google Play card, click Link, and then follow the on-screeninstructions to create the link.

The final tab in the Dashboard section displays additional information and detailed statistics about your app. Keeping tabs on this data is important, as it enables you to responsively address user feedback and ensure that your app remains well-maintained and optimized for performance.

To get started with the Google Play Console, you first need to create a developer account at Once your account is created, you can begin setting up your app in the console by completing all of the necessary fields, such as Pricing & Distribution details, App Content information, and Graphics & Multimedia. You will also be able to upload your APK file so that it can be tested in one of the available tracks (production, alpha, or beta).

In the Transfer config name section, for Display name, enter aname for the transfer such as My Transfer. The transfer name can beany value that allows you to easily identify the transfer if you needto modify it later.

Play your favorite games on PS5 and PS4 consoles, pause the action and switch to another device without being tied to the TV. PS Remote Play is available on Android smartphones and tablets, iPhone or iPad, Windows PC and Mac, as well as your PS5 and PS4 consoles.

That means you can start playing with your PlayStation console connected to a TV, pause your game and access the PS Remote Play app on your chosen device, and your game will be there, ready to keep playing from exactly where you left it. Or you can switch on your PlayStation console and start playing directly from the app, with no need to ever switch on your TV.

The Google Play console allows app developers and marketers to better understand how their apps are performing in terms of growth, technical performance such as crashes or display issues, and financials. The console offers acquisition reports and detailed analysis which can help app devs / marketers find out how well an app is really performing.

The developer console allows you to build your topping further. It provides a space for your topping that lets you add or customize resources using a graphical user interface (GUI). Use the developer console to create the custom functionality for your topping with ease.

From the developer workspace, using your topping draft, you can navigate to the developer console. To navigate, hover over the topping and then click Edit Topping (Green Pencil Icon).

A user data type is any sensitive or personal information that can identify a user. Google will require app owners to display information about all the user data types collected in the app. You can pass the data types to CleverTap as either User Profile properties or Events.

The JavaScript console is an incredibly useful tool for debugging JavaScript that isn't working as expected. It allows you to run lines of JavaScript against the page currently loaded in the browser, and reports the errors encountered as the browser tries to execute your code. To access the console in any browser:

Your Google Play developer account name is the name you provided Google to display on the Play Store for your app(s). The name would have been provided in Step 7 of our article on how to create your Google Developer account here. The URL is specific to your developer account and will take you directly to your Google Play developer Console.

Those of us who owned the Sega Megadrive will no doubt rememberthe playground buzz which followed the release of the epic Streetsof Rage titles back in the early nineties, we are happy to reportthat is all about to happen again with the release of the new BLAZE2 Player console.

This new BLAZE 2 Player console is not afraid to show its softerside too, as aside from the awesome action titles we are treated tomany more 16-bit Sega Megadrive classics from the true golden ageof gaming. Adding to the retro delights are titles including SonicSpinball and Columns, so something for everyone!

You will not be able to run any code in this console session until your function has returned.If that takes too long, you can use the Task Manager to cancel the time-intensive computation;however, it will also cause the current page to fail and all data you have entered will be lost. ff782bc1db

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