I am currently a cryptography researcher at Aztec Labs. Prior to this, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt, where I was hosted by Prof. Thomas Schneider. I completed my PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Automation at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, where I was advised by Prof. Arpita Patra. I obtained my M.Tech and B.Tech degree, both, in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology Goa, where I was advised by Dr. Purushothama B.R.
I am fascinated by cryptography which forms my area of research. Specifically, I work in the area of secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). I enjoy exploring the real-world applications of MPC, such as privacy-preserving machine learning, secure computation of graph algorithms, and privacy-preserving data analytics for the web, to name a few. Here is my CV.
Graphiti: Secure Graph Computation Made More Scalable.
ACM CCS 2024. (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
Asterisk: Super-fast MPC with a Friend.
IEEE S&P 2024. [paper] (Core A*)
Banashri Karmakar, Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Sikhar Patranabis, Protik Paul, and Divya Ravi.
Shield: Secure Allegation Escrow System with Stronger Guarantees.
TheWebConf 2023. [paper] (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
MPClan: Protocol Suite for Privacy-Conscious Computations.
Journal of Cryptology 2023. [paper] (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Shravani Patil, Arpita Patra, and Ajith Suresh.
Ruffle: Rapid 3-Party Shuffle Protocols.
PoPETs 2023. [paper] (Core A)
Pranav Shriram A, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, Bhavish Raj Gopal, and Somya Sangal.
Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering.
PoPETs 2023. [paper] (Core A)
Pranav Shriram A, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
Vogue: Faster Computation of Private Heavy Hitters.
IEEE TDSC 2023. [paper] (Core A)
Pranav Jangir, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, Bhavish Raj Gopal, and Somya Sangal.
PentaGOD: Stepping beyond Traditional GOD with Five Parties.
ACM CCS 2022. [paper] (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
Tetrad: Actively Secure 4PC for Secure Training and Inference.
NDSS 2022. [paper] (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Rahul Rachuri and Ajith Suresh.
Attaining GOD Beyond Honest Majority with Friends and Foes
Asiacrypt 2022. [paper] (Core A)
Aditya Hegde, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Shravani Patil, Arpita Patra, and Protik Paul.
SWIFT: Super-fast and Robust Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning.
USENIX Security Symposium, 2021. [paper] (Core A*)
Nishat Koti, Mahak Pancholi, Arpita Patra, Ajith Suresh.
Group-oriented encryption for dynamic groups with constant rekeying cost.
Security and Communication Networks 9(17): 4120-4137, 2016.
Nishat Koti and Purushothama B R.
Dynamic access control in a hierarchy with constant key derivation cost.
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI), 2016.
Nishat Koti and Purushothama B R.
Security analysis of tree and non-tree based group key management schemes under strong active outsider attack model.
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015.
Nishat Koti and Purushothama B R.
Non-tree Based Group Key Management Scheme with Constant Rekeying and Storage Cost.
International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics, 2015.
Nishat Koti, Esha Keni, Kritika and Purushothama B R.
Shield: Secure Allegation Escrow System with Stronger Guarantees.
PETS 2023 (Poster).
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
Vogue: Faster Computation of Private Heavy Hitters.
ACM CCS 2022 (Poster).
Pranav Jangir, Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, Bhavish Raj Gopal, and Somya Sangal.
PentaGOD: Stepping beyond Traditional GOD with Five Parties.
CANS 2022 (Poster).
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal.
MPClan: Protocol Suite for Privacy-Conscious Computations.
ACM CCS 2022 (Poster), NDSS 2022 (Poster).
Nishat Koti, Shravani Patil, Arpita Patra, and Ajith Suresh.
You Share Because We Care: Secure Allegation Escrow System.
CANS 2022 (Poster), IEEE S&P 2022 (Poster).
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, and Arpita Patra.
Tetrad: Actively Secure 4PC for Secure Training and Inference.
PPML 2021 (ACM CCS 2021 Workshop).
Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Rahul Rachuri and Ajith Suresh.
MPCLeague: Robust and Efficient Mixed-protocol Framework for 4-party Computation.
IEEE S&P 2021 (Poster), DPML 2021 (ICLR 2021 Workshop).
Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra and Ajith Suresh.
SWIFT: Super-fast and Robust Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning.
PriML/PPML 2020 (NeurIPs 2020 Workshop), DPML 2021 (ICLR 2021 Workshop).
Nishat Koti, Mahak Pancholi, Arpita Patra, Ajith Suresh.
Recipient of ACM/IARCS travel grant 2023.
Recipient of PETS stipend for attending PETS 2023.
Recipient of Best Presentation Award at the EECS Research Student Symposium 2022, IISc.
Recipient of Centre for Networked Intelligence Ph.D. scholarship award, under the Cisco CSR initiative, for 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
Institute Silver Medalist for being highest ranked candidate during M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology Goa.
Institute Silver Medalist for being highest ranked candidate during B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology Goa.