I currently have a Fire/Ninja blaster that is 48 and I am enjoying it quite a bit. However I recently made Fire3 Blaster and I'm liking it more, for all the obvious reasons. So now I'm doubting the /ninja build as I don't care to have two fire blasters. From what I've read /Ninja pairs well with ST damage. That makes me think that an Ice/Ninja blaster would be fun. Should I scrap the Fire/Ninja for an Ice/Ninja? What are the pros and cons? Thanks!

Ice already has semi control with Blizzard and Ice Storm you can cast behind corners, then run in when the fear effect kicks in and they are running out of the rains, the ninja controls might be less useful and more of the melee. But Ice does have 2 hold powers plus choking power to really put the hurt on bossess not to mention the procs you can slot in them.

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If you wanna switch, then ST vs AOE blast set doesn't matter - play what you like. Given /Ninja is more of a melee set, you'll want to find Blast sets that compliment that. Dark, AR, and Sonic are better to use at range because of cones so I would avoid those.

/Ninja also has swords - so weigh if you want to deal with redraw options between AR, DP, Beam, and Archery - yes, you can select "No Redraw" options in costume editor, but maybe that bugs you to have weapons magically appear (it does me). For the record - I am currently REALLY enjoying my DP/Ninja (with Redraw).

Al the other sets would be fine to use. Ice is great for the control with holds and Blizzard and works well in melee range. Rad is excellent and you can stack Def Debuff with your sword attacks. Elec, Water, Fire, Psi, Seismic, Energy - would all work well.

Rolled an AR/nin recently, its fun but the buildup replacement giving you one shot 25% damage buff and taking 30secs OOC to recharge defintely hurts in the ass kicking department. The crit thing is cool but doesn't help enough.

I've got one of these too. It's pretty nice from a concept point of view. If slotted right, it's not only damaging but safe when you drain targets down. If you haven't played around with Electric blast's shocked mechanic, give Elec/nin a try and pick up a light saber.

I have one of almost all primaries. I can't comment on the stats, but "feel" wise, I personally think that the hand blasts sets only come second Dual Pistols (ninja stance is mandatory). However, DP/Nin doesn't seem to unsheath the katana, unlike the blast sets... must be because of the DP redraw.

Archery is another thematically sound choice, though I feel that the bow to blade to bow switching is a bit janky.

I gave up on AR and Beam because of the animation bug (weapons firing from your feet instead of the muzzle). Once this is fixed, I will surely make them ?

Second DP/Ninja. Hail of Bullets followed by sword attacks mixed with more Gun-Fu is one of the better combat visuals in the game. Nothing like standing in middle of bodies with your katana gleaming in the dusky lights of one of the thousands of abandoned warehouses in the city. +100 style points.

@Chelsea Rorecjust so you know you're build isn't always softcapped to melee and ranged, as Hail of Bullets gives a 9.75% defense boost to melee, ranged, and aoe for 5 seconds after using if you hit at least 1 target, its impossible to get the recharge of that power under 5 seconds, so the defense does fall off during combat. Your build stays defensively softcapped to ranged but loses the melee softcap status and drops to 36.07% which is still pretty decent overall.

EDIT: Intuition Alpha is also great for it. Range for the cone attacks, -acc for blinding powder, -def for the pistol attacks and swords, hold for choking powder and damage. I tried not to lose my mind with procs in everything, but I did do it for the two main AOEs. You also do NOT have to slot DP for knockback to knockdown as that only comes into play when you use Lethal Rounds.

Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

I settled on rolling up an Elec/Ninja. It's a project that's considered in progress, as I haven't finished it's leveling or slotting as or yet and subsequent play testing. I thought about rolling DP/Ninja but having 3 toons that are DP already swayed me to consider other primaries. Considering I haven't tried the revamped Elec blast as a blaster I figured what the hell and rolled one.

I made a Fire/Ninja recently because flaming swords are nice, but I'm not at all sure /Ninja is very useful. I'm especially wondering what's up with Shinobi since it shows as granting a damage bonus in the powers window but not in the abbreviated display.

Hey all. I wanted to make a very natural origin character. I originally rolled her a an Archery/Ninja blaster because I LOVED the idea of having both the bow and arrow AND katana attacks. Plan would be for the Body mastery pool down the line. Then I saw that sentinels have a Ninja Tool mastery APP that also gives 2 of the 3 katana attacks in the blaster ninja secondary and obviously much more survivability with the ninjitsu secondary. And conceptually it makes sense that it would take until upper levels for her to decide she's willing to engage in melee, even if she has the skills for it. Either idea works well for concept to me.

So, with this concept is there any strong argument to make in favor of the blaster option? I know the Ninja Tools katana attacks were bugged and not showing the sword but it'll be so long before this particular character is at that level I expect it'll be fixed by then (if it wasn't already and I just missed it). Is there anything skippable from the Sentinel Ninjitsu set?

Common wisdom is that blasters are better. Both AT's can only fill a dps role on a team, and blasters do more damage under more circumstances. With that said, I find the Archery sentinel to be a lot of fun. The "best" builds for them (IMO) has the sentinel with better cooldown reduction, more fluid attack routines so your basically always shooting. My sentinel has seven attacks on my 1 bar.. 3 of those attacks are only for ST and 3 of those attacks are only for AoE, 1 attack is so I can activate opportunity (In actuality I tend to mix up my attack types a little more than that). Another advantage to the sentinel is that their stunning shot does increased damage, making it one of their best attacks, where the blaster stunning shot is basically useless (at least for dps). On the down-side, the sentinel doesn't have a snipe power.. in fact sentinel attacks only have about 60% of the range that the same attack for a blaster has. The sentinel also doesn't hit as many targets in AoE as the blaster does, and doesn't have as good of a damage modifier. (but remember you're getting more shots in) So that's kinda the Archery half of your question.. even though they're both "Archery", they are different.

On the defensive side of things.. well.. to be honest blasters can get pretty good defense, so I don't think that really makes a difference.. what CAN make a difference, depending on circumstances, is that Sentinels can be extremely resistant to control effects, which goes back to what I was saying about sentinels continuously shooting.. However, there's a kind of bad interaction here with Archery/Ninjutsu sentinels.. well.. maybe not "bad", but something to be aware of.. Ninjutsu is a "click heavy" defensive set, so the fact that your constantly wanting to click attacks means that you won't want to take the time to click defenses. With a /ninjutsu sentinel, you don't have a toggle CC resist, which means you're likely to get cc'd and have to take a moment to click your resist so you can then continue your attack chain.. it shouldn't disrupt things too much.. it's just something to think about. (and after all, the blaster doesn't have a CC resist.)

In closing, while these two concepts seem like they should be very similar, they can actually play very differently.. so this is one question where I can actually say you should try both and see what you like.. you may actually want to keep both of them.. just be aware that the sentinel may be differently fun, but it probably won't pull the same damage as a blaster.. but still does enough to get the job done.

You don't have stackable stuns or holds, and bosses and elite bosses will be very annoying to deal with. You have to stay mobile, use purple and pink pills, and just endure their hard-hitting ranged attacks. BUT! It's a TON of fun, and you don't have to survive them long, because they go down so very, very quick! ?

Bad guys that get up to you have to deal with your blade, and you hit just as hard as any scrapper (harder even, since Defiance is a global damage boost). Your Golden Dragonfly deals stupid amounts of pain to any bad guy that has rushed up on you through a hail of arrows. I did take tough/weave and combat jumping/acrobatics in my build, and slotted them to max out their benefits. The hold immunity from Acrobatics isn't strong, but it's enough. Overall the pool powers helped a lot, and was pretty thematic with leaping backwards firing arrow after arrow at bad guys, and all the +Defense makes for a reasonably dodgy Ninja. Also remember that even stunned, slept, or held, a Blaster can still use their first two primary and first secondary powers, so that's a thing. You're always capable of dealing damage.

On the Sentinel side, the points made by Hardboiled are very relevant. Ninjitsu is a great set once you've got a few enhancements slotted, and you gain protection against status effects. Always useful. I don't know anything about the Ninja Tools set, I'm sorry to say. 152ee80cbc

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