Ningchuan Zhang


I am a Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Mathematics, Indiana University Bloomington. My postdoc mentor is Mike Mandell. Currently, I am visiting the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany.  In 2020 -- 2023, I was a Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics at Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, working with  Mona Merling. I received my Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May, 2020, advised by Matthew Ando.  You can contact me at nz7 at iu dot edu.  

Here are my CV and my thesis


My main research interest is algebraic topology and its relations with number theory.  For more details, please check my publications and preprints below and my talks and notes page

Publications and preprints



I will be teaching Math-M 403 Introduction to Modern Algebra I in Fall 2024.  For my past teaching, please check my teaching page.