Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2022

Ninalive ("us", "us", or "our") operates Ninalive mobile applications ("services"). 

When you use our services, this page will inform you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data, as well as your choices related to this data. Our Ninalive privacy policy is managed through the free privacy policy website

We use your data to provide and improve services. By using this service, you agree to collect and use information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this privacy policy, terms used in this privacy policy have the same meaning as our terms and conditions. 

Information collection and use

We have collected several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our services to you. 

Types of data collected

personal data

When using our services, we may request that you provide us with certain personally identifiable information ("personal data") that can be used to contact or identify you. Personal identity information may include, but is not limited to: 

" First and Last Names

" Address, state, province, postal code, city

" Cookies and usage data

Usage data

When you access services through mobile devices or through mobile devices, we may automatically collect certain information, including but not limited to the type of mobile device you are using, your unique mobile device ID, your mobile device IP address, your mobile operating system, and the type of mobile internet browser you are using, Unique device identifier and other diagnostic data ("usage data"). 

Tracking and Cookie Data

We use cookies and similar tracking techniques to track activities on our services and save certain information. 

Cookies are files that contain a small amount of data, which may contain anonymous unique identifiers. Cookies will be sent from the website to your browser and stored on your device. Tracking technology also uses beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information, and to improve and analyze our services. 

You can instruct the browser to reject all cookies or indicate when to send cookies. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our services. 

Examples of cookies we use: 

" Session Cookies. We use session cookies to operate our services. 

" Favorite cookies. We use preference cookies to remember your preferences and various settings. 

" Secure cookies. For security purposes, we use secure cookies. 

Use of data

Ninalive uses the collected data for various purposes: 

" Provide and maintain services

Notify you of changes to our services

Allow you to participate in the interactive features of our services during selection

Provide care and support for customers

" Provide analysis or valuable information for us to improve our services

" Monitor the usage of services

" Detection, prevention, and resolution of technical issues

data transmission

Your information, including personal data, may be transferred to??And maintain??Computers located outside of your state, province, country, or other government jurisdiction may have data protection laws that differ from those in your jurisdiction. 

If you are located outside of China and choose to provide us with information, please note that we will transfer data, including personal data, to China and process it there. 

By agreeing to this privacy policy and submitting such information, you agree to the transfer. 

Ninalive will take all reasonable and necessary measures to ensure that your data is securely processed and complies with this privacy policy. Unless there are sufficient control measures, including the security of your data and other personal information, your personal data will not be transferred to any organization or country. 

Data Disclosure

Legal requirements

Ninalive may disclose your personal data in good faith and consider it necessary to take such action: 

" Compliance with legal obligations

" Protect and defend Ninalive's rights or property

" Preventing or investigating possible misconduct related to services

" Protecting the personal safety of service users or the public

" Avoiding legal liability

data security

The security of your data is important to us, but please remember that methods of transmission or electronic storage through the internet are not 100% secure. Although we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. 

Service Provider

We may hire third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our services ("Service Providers"), provide services on our behalf, perform service related services, or assist us in analyzing how to use our services. 

These third parties accessing your personal data are only for the purpose of performing these tasks on our behalf, and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. 


We may use third-party service providers to monitor and analyze the usage of our services. 

" Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a network analytics service provided by Google for tracking and reporting website traffic. Google uses the collected data to track and monitor the usage of our services. These data are shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize its advertising network. 

You can choose to exit certain Google Analytics features through mobile device settings (such as device advertising settings) or follow the instructions provided by Google in its privacy policy:

For more information about Google's privacy practices, please visit the Google Privacy and Terms webpage:

Link to other websites

Our services may include links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to the third-party website. We strongly recommend that you review the privacy policy of each website you visit. 

We have no control over the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party website or service, and we do not assume any responsibility. 

Children's privacy

Our services are not targeted at anyone under the age of 18 ("children"). 

We will not intentionally collect personal identification information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal data of children without parental consent, we will take measures to remove this information from our server. 

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update our privacy policy from time to time. We will publish a new privacy policy on this page to notify you of any changes. 

Before the changes take effect, we will notify you via email and/or prominent notices on our services, and update the "Effective Date" at the top of this privacy policy. 

We suggest that you regularly check this privacy policy for any changes. Changes to this privacy policy will take effect when posted on this page. 

User generated content strategy

1. Your UGC

1. All content submitted by you (or on your behalf) to our website or application through your user account (or other social media account, as applicable), including but not limited to your name, biographical information, and all other names, username, kana, text, portraits, graphics, logos, tags, images, photos, codes, All other information and materials shall be referred to as "UGC" for short. 

2. You agree to submit UGC to the website through our application in accordance with the following rules (especially legal standards and review guidelines, as defined below). Please use common sense with caution when submitting UGC to the website or through our application. 

3. We will have full authority to decide whether to publish your UNESCO funding, and we have the right to add, delete, or refuse to publish your UNESCO funding before or after publication. 

4. Please note that any UGC you submit through our website or application will be considered non confidential and non proprietary. 

2. Rights, Permits, and Waivers

2.1 You hereby grant a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, transferable, and royalty-free license (including all rights to sublicenses) to Ninalive and any of our group companies and subsidiaries, Unlimited reproduction and distribution of your UGC (including but not limited to the right to adapt, modify, modify, or modify UGC) in any media or format (whether known now or invented in the future) worldwide. 

2.2 You guarantee, represent, and promise to us that all UGCs you submit are your own works, or that you have obtained all necessary rights and licenses from the relevant owners of the works, and that you have all relevant rights in UGC, enabling you to grant the rights and licenses mentioned in Article 2. 

2.3 If your UGC contains images of individuals or names or identifies individuals, you guarantee, represent, and promise to us as follows: 

2.3.1 All individuals who have reached the age of 18 and explicitly agree to appear on the UGC and agree that you submit the UGC to our website or identify individuals through our application's features, and

2.3.2 If the individual identified by the feature or identification is under the age of 18, you can: 

i. Is a parent or legal guardian or an individual with such characteristics or identification, or

Ii. We have obtained the explicit consent of the parents or legal guardians of individuals with such characteristics or identities, allowing them to appear on the UGC and allowing you to submit the UGC to our website or through our application. 

2.4 You hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waive and agree to the fullest extent permitted by law, not to assert (or obtain from any third party, as applicable) any and all moral rights, any other similar rights, and all public and privacy rights in any country around the world related to your UGC. 

3 Content Standards - Legal Standards

3.1 You guarantee, represent, and promise to us that your UGC (including our use, publication, and/or exploitation of it) will not: 

3.1.1 Infringe the copyright or database rights, trademarks, privacy, disclosure rights, or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person or entity; And/or

3.1.2 contains any material that defames anyone; And/or

3.1.3 contains misleading or deceptive statements, omissions, or false statements regarding your identity (such as impersonating others) or your relationship with any individual or entity; And/or

3.1.4 fulfill any legal or fiduciary obligations towards third parties, such as contractual or confidentiality obligations; And/or

3.1.5 Advocate, promote or assist discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age; And/or

3.1.6 contains any malicious code, such as viruses, worms, trojans, or other potentially harmful programs, code, or materials; And/or

3.1.7 Violation of any other applicable laws, regulations, rules or regulations (collectively or individually referred to as "legal standards"). 

3.2 If your UGC contains any materials that are not owned by you or licensed to you and/or subject to third-party rights, you are responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, consents, and/or licenses to allow us to use and utilize UGC before submitting it, without additional compensation. Please refer to Article 2 above for details. 

4 Content Standards - Review Guidelines

4.1 You guarantee, represent and promise to us that your UGC: 

4.1.1 Be accurate in stating facts; And/or

4.1.2 is truly held, stating opinions (such as in product or service reviews). 

5 Consequences of Breach of Contract

5.1 We will make our own decision whether you have not complied with this UGC policy when submitting to our website or through our application. If you fail to comply, we reserve the full discretion to suspend your use of this website and/or our applications without notifying you, and/or to edit or delete (in whole or in part) any of your UGC from our website and applications on a temporary or permanent basis. 

5.2 Despite the provisions of Article 5.1 above, if you or your teaching council do not comply with this teaching council policy and we suffer any loss or damage as a result, you will be responsible for us and hereby agree to compensate us for any such loss or damage. This means that you will be responsible for any losses or damages suffered by us due to our failure to comply with this UGC policy, including but not limited to our legal standards and/or review guidelines. 

5.3 We also reserve the following rights: 

5.3.1 Transfer any educational resources that have attracted our attention to relevant departments; and

5.3.2 Disclose your identity to any third party (or their professional advisors) if the third party claims that any of your UGC has infringed on their intellectual property or privacy rights. 

6. Changes in UGC Policies

6.1 We may change the UGC policy from time to time, in which case we will provide the latest version through the website and application. You should regularly review the policies of the UGC to ensure that you are satisfied with any changes. After you receive notification of changes on our website or application, and/or if you continue to visit or use the website or our application, you will be deemed to have accepted any changes to this UGC policy, and the updated UGC policy will be available for your review. 

Keep your information

As long as you maintain your account, we will retain your personal and other information. 

You can request to delete your account at any time through the message>service in the application or by sending us an email. After conducting appropriate review, we will delete data that is not required to be retained due to regulatory, tax, insurance, litigation, or other legal requirements. For example, we retain the location, equipment, and usage data for these purposes for a reasonable period of time as necessary; While retaining such data, it may also use it for safety, security, fraud prevention and detection, as well as research and development purposes. In some cases, we may not be able to delete your account, such as having a balance or unresolved claims or disputes. After resolving the issue of preventing deletion, we will delete the account as described above. 

For safety, security, and fraud prevention purposes, we may also retain certain information if necessary. For example, if we deactivate a user's account due to unsafe behavior or security incidents, we may retain certain information about the account to prevent the user from opening new accounts in the future. 

How do we use your information

We will only use your personal information when permitted by applicable law. Usually, we use your personal information for the following purposes: 

Providing services: showcasing the services and their content, including any interactive features on the services, and providing you with the information, products, or services you allow us to provide; We also collect and use personal information to verify your eligibility, and provide prizes related to promotional activities and lucky draws; 

Improve Services: Improve and personalize our services by providing new services, information, suggestions, and feedback; 

Customer management: managing registered users' accounts, providing customer support and notifications related to their accounts or subscriptions, as well as notifications of changes to services or any other products or services we provide or provide through them; 

Communication: In order to directly communicate and interact with you, for example, we may send notifications about upcoming changes, promotional activities, or service improvements; Content review: Review images, images, and content posted or generated on the service to ensure that we comply with any applicable content regulations in any relevant jurisdiction; 

Customized content: Conduct research and analysis on your use or interest in the content, products, advertisements, or services provided on the service, in order to develop and display content that suits your interests on our website and applications; 

Performance analysis: Determine whether the users of the service are unique, or whether the same user has used the service multiple times, and monitor aggregate indicators such as the total number of visitors, the number of videos watched, and demographic patterns; 

Function and security: Identify users who do not meet age limits, diagnose or solve technical problems, detect, prevent, and respond to actual or potential fraud, illegal activities, or intellectual property infringement; 

Compliance: Implement our terms of use and comply with our legal obligations; Aggregation: Aggregating the information we collect about you for one or more of the above purposes. 

Cookies: We, as well as our suppliers and service providers, use cookies and other similar technologies (such as network beacons, flash cookies, etc.) ("cookies") to automatically collect information, measure and analyze the webpage you click on, and how you use the platform, enhancing your experience of using the platform and improving our services. Cookies are small files that, when placed on your device, enable the platform to provide certain functions. A network beacon is a very small image or small piece of data embedded in an image, also known as a "pixel label" or "clear GIF", which can recognize cookies, the time and date when the page was viewed, the page description where the pixel label was placed, and similar information from a computer or device. By using this platform, you agree to our use of cookies. In addition, we use your email or other login or device information to link your contact or subscriber information with your activities on our platform to all of your devices. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties, and their information practices are not within the scope of this privacy policy. 

You can reject or disable cookies by adjusting browser settings. As each browser is different, please refer to the instructions provided by your browser. Please note that you may need to take additional steps to reject or disable certain types of cookies. In addition, your exit selection is specific to the specific browser or device you choose to exit from, so you may need to choose to exit separately for each browser or device. If you choose to reject, disable, or delete cookies, certain features of the platform may no longer be available to you. 

Please note that depending on the specific purpose for which we use your personal information, we may process your personal information for multiple legitimate reasons. 

How do we share your information

Please note that if your personal information is public, anyone on the platform can see your content, and your friends and followers, as well as third parties such as search engines, content aggregators, and news websites, can also access or share your content. You can change who can view videos or images every time you upload them. We can also share your information with other members, subsidiaries, or affiliated companies of our enterprise group to improve, optimize the platform, and prevent illegal use. When we receive your express or implied consent, we may share your personal information outside of the service. 

To the extent necessary for services, customer management, content customization, advertising, analysis, validation, functionality and security, and compliance, we may disclose your personal information to members of our corporate group (i.e. entities controlling us, controlled by us, or jointly controlled with us). 

We may disclose your personal information to authorized service providers who provide certain services on our behalf. These services may include fulfilling orders, processing credit card payments, content customization, analysis, security, map navigation, data storage and cloud services, supporting our functions, and other functions provided through the service. These service providers can access personal information required to perform their functions, but are not allowed to share or use such information for any other purpose. However, if you connect to a third-party service through a service or otherwise link your account to a third-party server, you request and authorize us to share or grant access to information on your behalf with that third-party. We may also send information about the content you watch or your activities on the service to such third parties to upgrade your service experience. 

If we merge, divest, restructure, reorganize, dissolve, or otherwise sell or transfer some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceedings, we may disclose or share your personal information to buyers or other heirs, The personal information we hold about our users belongs to the transferred assets. If such sale or transfer occurs, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses the information in a manner consistent with this privacy policy. 

We access, store, and share your personal information with regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies, or other individuals we reasonably believe need to be disclosed in order to (a) comply with any applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or government requirements, (b) comply with applicable terms of use, including investigating potential violations, preventing or otherwise resolving illegal or suspected illegal activitiesSecurity or technical issues, (d) protecting the rights, property, or safety of the company, users, employees, or other third parties from harm; Or (e) maintain and protect the security and integrity of services or infrastructure. 

We may disclose summary information about users. We may also share summary information with third parties for general business analysis. This information does not contain any personal information and may be used to develop content and services that we hope you and other users will be interested in. 

Your choice

You can set your browser to reject all or some browser cookies, or remind you when sending cookies. Please note that your choice to disable cookies will be specific to the specific browser or device you use when disabling cookies, so you may need to disable cookies separately for each type of browser or device. If you disable or reject cookies, please note that certain parts of the website may not be accessible or functioning properly. 

You can request to exit and allow us to send you push notifications at any time by adjusting the permissions on your mobile device. 

If you do not want to share GPS positioning, microphone, camera, or other similar features on your mobile device, you can turn off these features. You can also hide your location, uploaded videos, recent activity times, and other information by adjusting the 'Privacy' settings. 

You may choose not to provide us with personal information, but this may prevent you from using certain features of the Ninalive service as you may need this information to register as a user, purchase paid services, participate in promotions, surveys, lucky draws, or file complaints. 

You can change the mobile advertising identifier in your mobile device, or restrict advertising tracking through your mobile device's privacy settings. For more information on how to change the privacy settings of advertising identifiers on devices, please visit 

You can change your information, including accessing it, correcting or updating it, or deleting it by editing your profile in the application. 

Your Rights

You can submit a request to access, modify, or delete the personal information we have collected about you by (a) using the help or feedback features on Ninalive Services, or (b) sending your request via email We will respond to your request as soon as possible in accordance with applicable laws after appropriate verification procedures.