Taal Vista Hotel is located along Kilometer 60, Aguinaldo Highway, Tagaytay City 4120, Philippines. For inquiries and reservations, please call +63 (2) 7917 8225, +63 (46) 413 1000 or +63 917 809 1254. Stay connected with Taal Vista Hotel by visiting our website www.taalvistahotel.com and join us on Facebook (facebook.com/taalvistahotel), and Twitter/Instagram (@taalvistahotel).

Ur-taal is a member of the Dorgeshuun Council. She can be found in the northernmost part of the city near the stairs to the council chambers. In order to sell food to the Gourmet, you might be told to ask permission from her first. She is seen arguing with Ur-zek about Ur-tag's actions.

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Ellyn'taal was an abandoned illithid city of the northern parts of the Underdark.[2] The once-populated chambers of the city were carved with scriptures of the mind flayers. Staying in the empty halls of Ellyn'taal too long could cause one to become mad. Only undead servants and mind flayer ghosts inhabited the city, as well as the undead elder brain, Ioulaum.[3]

In -371 DR, the Netherese arcanist, Ioulaum, became a lich and established a base close to Ellyn'taal. In -339 DR, he foresaw that the fall of the Netherese empire was nigh. Thus, he abandoned his enclave permanently and laired in the base he had previously established.[1][4] Ioulaum took apprentices from both the Netherese refugees, and also the mindflayers of Ellyn'taal. These illithids were known as the Alhoon and became the very first illithiliches (which would later generally become known as alhoons).[1]

Ioulaum took the minds of his illithid students and created an undead elder brain; he then merged his own mind with it. Almost all of Ioulaum's students perished in the production of the elder brain, but some of them escaped. The escapee mind flayers told the story of the creation of an undead elder brain to those of the Underdark. One of Ioulaum's human students, Tabra, saw the production of the elder brain, and believed that the mind flayer students had destroyed her master. In response, she made her way to Ellyn'taal and cast Ioulaum's longevity on herself, destroying the city-dwelling illithids in the process.[1] She was still alive as of the 15th century DR.[5] be457b7860

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