Niloy Sikder

Hi, my name is Niloy Sikder. I am pursuing my PhD at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, working as a member of the Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, led by Prof. Martin Dresler. At the same time, I am working as a scientific assistant at the Faculty of Technology and Bionics, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Matthias Krauledat. My research is primarily focused on analyzing big sleep and dream datasets using machine learning algorithms. I completed my M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Khulna University, Khulna, and B.Sc. from the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) discipline of the same university in 2017. My dream is to be a researcher and work in the field of Machine Learning and Computer Vision. I wish to explore and analyze some of the delicate and exciting problems involving machines; and, hopefully, solve a few of them. I want to gain more knowledge through research in the areas of my interest and apply that knowledge for the common good.

I am captivated by the concept of Machine Learning, especially the techniques that are categorized as Deep Learning algorithms. The idea of implementing the architecture of a biological brain into computers to enable them to learn and make decisions like humans is simply fascinating. Although recent developments have given machines a new height of power and intelligence, I believe this is only a fraction of their true potential. I aim to continue my research activities and dive deeper into the world of machine intelligence.

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