COL 352 Introduction to Automata and Theory of Computation


Instructor:  Nikhil Balaji (nbalaji)

TAs:   Sourav Bansal (cs5180421), Suraj Patni (csy217550), Sanaa Siddiqui (csy227516), 

            Surbhi Rajput (csy227519), Harsh Singh Chauhan (mcs222052), Badrinath Padmanabhan (csz228626)

Slot:  H (Mon, Wed - 11:00 - 12:00, Thu: 12:00 - 13:00)

Venue: LH 318


COL202 or MTL180 or an equivalent course. Specifically, the following topics:

If you haven't done either but would like to attend the course, email me.

Content (tentative)


Grading (tentative)

Quizzes                          - 30%   

Minors - 35%

Major exam                  - 35%

30% marks necessary for a passing grade. 

Useful Platforms

Lecture Schedule