COL 863 : Algebra and Computation (Topics in TCS) 


Instructor:  Nikhil Balaji (nbalaji)

Slot:  AB (Mon, Thu -  15:30 - 17:00)

Venue: TBD

What is this course about?

Algebra is a central tool in both designing algorithms (think fast integer multiplication, matrix multiplication, etc.) and understanding the limitations of computation itself (algebraic complexity theory). This course will touch upon both these topics. 

Topics (tentative)


COL351, COL352, COL705 OR Equivalent. Essentially, a working knowledge of Discrete Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Combinatorics, Discrete Probability) and Design and Analysis of Algorithms and/or Theory of Computation. If you haven't done the prerequisite courses, but are interested in attending, please send me an email.

Course Logistics and Grading (Tentative)

Problem sets/quizzes  -- 50% (approx),   Major exam/Viva  -- 25% (approx),  Final Project -- 25% (approx).

Project Topics 

Depending on the class strength (the number of students crediting the course), students will be put into groups of size at most 2 and given topics to read/present/work on open problems. Every group will be expected to give a clear presentation (30-60 minutes) and will be expected to generate an electronic report (approx 10 pages long using LaTeX).




[Shoup]: A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup

[vzGG]Modern Computer Algebra by von zur Gathen and Gerhard

[Sudan]: Course on Algebra and Computation by Madhu Sudan

[Saxena]: Course on Arithmetic Circuit Complexity by Nitin Saxena