Ally McBeal is a comedy-drama television series created by David E. Kelley, premiered on September 8, 1997 on Fox network in the United States and ended on May 20, 2002. The show spans five seasons, consisting, in total, of 112 episodes. The episodes were approximately 45 minutes long, excluding commercials.

All seasons of Ally McBeal were released on DVD in the region 2 in 2002 and 2003, respectively.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Until fall 2009, only several episodes of the first season of Ally McBeal were available in the United States, due to music rights issues. On October 6, 2009, Fox released a 6-disc set of all 23 season-one episodes, with their original music.[11]

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I call it the Ally McBeal effect. Of course, I can't prove an actual connection, but I know that somewhere around the time Ally McBeal aired (1997), we took a major step backwards when it comes to the Beauty Myth. In case you are not familiar, Ally McBeal was television show created by David E. Kelley, that aired on Fox for 5 seasons. It was a legal dramedy starring some impossibly beautiful female lawyers portrayed by Calista Flockhart, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Portia de Rossi and Lucy Liu (and some goofy male ones).

Between the first season and the second season, Flockhart, who starred as Ally McBeal, transformed from extremely thin to ridiculously skinny. Her weight-loss made waves. The media accused her of being anorexic, but she denied everything. The other actresses also seemed to start shrinking. A few years ago, de Rossi published a book about her experiences, Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain, detailing the eating disorder she developed while working on the set. I have also read articles that suggest after the show was cancelled, Flockhart went so far as to admit that she may have been exercising a bit too much and eating not quite enough at that time.

Regardless of what was going on behind the scenes of this particular show, there was a bigger change, also noted by social critics at the time: all of a sudden the impossible standards of thinness, already imposed on fashion models, began to be imposed on female actors. Just compare Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox in the first versus last seasons of Friends. They both shrunk significantly!

As former Alberta Premier Alison Redford, recently discovered, women, unlike men, also have to be nice. Well you know what? Sometimes one gets grumpy when one is hungry, tired and having difficulty breathing because one's organs have been squeezed into what are essentially modern-day corsets and things the fashion industry calls shoes, but are really torture devices.

Oscar nominee Robert Downey Jr. ("Chaplin"), whose chemistrywith "Ally McBeal's" Calista Flockhart melted Nielsen hearts duringhis 10-episode run as attorney Larry Paul, will return for theremainder of the season.

Downey's addition to "Ally - his first prime-time series - hasbeen a ratings boon. Since he debuted on the Oct. 23 seasonpremiere, viewership is up 3 percent over last season, to 12.4million viewers per week.

Me too especially brothers and sisters it ended way too early ally mcbeal revival will be amazing I have rewatched it sooooo many times on hulu its not even funny in actually in a current rewatch right now almost done with s1

Robert Downey, Jr. joined the cast of David E. Kelley's ("Big Little Lies) dramedy "Ally McBeal" at the start of the series fourth season. The show centers around Calista Flockhart's titular character, a young attorney who ignited a firestorm of debate over whether McBeal was a poster child for a new wave of feminism or an affront to it. The series aired for five seasons on Fox (1997-2002), garnering a total of 34 Emmy Award nominations, winning best comedy series in 1999.

On April 24, 2001, ABC News reported Robert Downey, Jr. had been arrested for allegedly being under the influence of a controlled substance. After his release, Downey checked himself into a rehabilitation facility. At the time, Downey was also facing legal woes resulting from a police search of his hotel room the previous fall that uncovered cocaine and valium. A day later, The Washington Post revealed Downey had been fired from "Ally McBeal," with Kelley releasing a statement saying, "We are wrapping up the stories on the final few episodes . . . for the season without him."

Robert Downey, Jr.'s addiction problems have been well-documented over the years, but in a 2008 interview with The New York Times, Downey revealed he decided to get sober in 2003, and he's reaped the benefits professionally. In 2008, he kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the film "Iron Man," a role that arguably changed his life. The following year, he received his second Oscar nomination for best supporting actor for his role as Kirk Lazarus in "Tropic Thunder."

In March, TVLine reported that a limited series revival of "Ally McBeal" was in the works, with the possibility of Kelley and Flockhart attached in some capacity. However, the project was still in the early stages of development. In a 2018 interview with The Hollywood Reporter," when asked if there were any of his shows he'd consider rebooting, Kelley said, "I do think because of the gender politics that were so part and parcel of 'Ally McBeal,' it's become very relevant and ripe. So, I'd be open to the idea of 'Ally McBeal' being done again, but I don't think it should be done by me. If it were going to be done, it really should be done by a woman. If it's going to be new, it should be new and different."

The show sports a non-stop circus of peculiar court cases, so we've compiled the three episodes that are among the most eccentric. It's the best way to dip your toes into the "Ally McBeal" world, especially if it's been 20 years since you've watched an episode.

It really shines about halfway through Season 1. As the characters begin to click, the show grows stronger and their idiosyncrasies become lovable. Though, the show reaches its peak with the main cast in Season 2 with the addition of Lucy Liu as Ling Woo and Portia de Rossi as Nelle Porter. And Robert Downey Jr., pre-Iron Man days, is a pretty great addition to the main cast in Season 4.

Le sigh. The last season can be a bit hard to watch. Without giving too much away, it's hardly the same show. James Marsden and Julianne Nicholson join the cast, and while their characters aren't inherently bad, the show's storylines take a weird turn. Also, the show loses its focus on the characters that we've grown to love over the previous four seasons.

Ideally, you should watch it from the beginning, especially if you've never seen it before. But if you've already seen the show and you're thinking about re-watching it, ease your way back in with the three best episodes below.

When Ally McBeal premiered on September 8, 1997, David E. Kelley's offbeat dramedy became an instant hit. The titular heroine's short skirts, the flurry of witty dialogue, the visual gags (particularly the dancing baby in the dawn of the internet), and the show's laissez-faire attitude toward sex and political correctness (exemplified by the then-scandalous notion of a gender-neutral bathroom) propelled it to ratings gold and multiple Emmy noms, including a win for Outstanding Comedy Series in its second season.

There's no better example of this than "Boy to the World," the 10th episode of the first season, featuring Wilson Cruz as a transgender prostitute named Stephanie whom Ally attempts to save from the streets and the criminal-justice system. "She's a boy!" Ally's roommate, Renee, suddenly blurts out after Ally begrudgingly accepts the case, revealing that Stephanie was born Stephen. "Oh," Ally responds with a shock masquerading as worldly nonchalance.

Ally, as ally, says supposedly sympathetic things about her new client, like, "He's obviously not well." ("He," not "she.") To keep Stephanie out of jail, Ally suggests an insanity defense--"transvestite fetishism"--arguing the idea of gender identity as mental disorder. (This is also perhaps the first time mainstream America heard the term "gender dysphoria.")

Although Ally McBeal was groundbreaking, it ran out of steam and tricks, ending with a whimper after its fifth season in 2002. For all the gender-neutral bathrooms and post-PC talk, the pre-eminent lady lawyer of the '90s (and her impossibly high hems) still feels very much like a product of her time.

And so, as the fourth season of the hit Fox "dramedy" opens, we see that some things never change. Ally (Calista Flockhart) remains the self-absorbed single lawyer, forever confusing sex with love, and then regretting it.Advertisement

But some things do change. If the season premiere is any indication, the new Ally McBeal will be smarter and funnier than last season's version. And - its critics notwithstanding - the show still has something to say about the lives of women professionals.

A lot was riding on this episode. Although Ally won an Emmy for best comedy series for its second season, something went seriously wrong during the third season. Along the way, the show lost its sense of humor and became overly gimmicky. The title character was getting crowded out by a supporting cast that seemed to be more interesting and less whiney.

Eventually, the encounters with Larry embolden Ally to break things off with Chicken Little (Tim Dutton). Meanwhile, in court, the annulment proceeding fails -- the client had entered into a marriage expressly based on "companionship," if she had wanted physical passion, she should have realized that earlier. Like it or not, the episode's message has the virtue of being clear: sex matters.

Along the way, the show seems to have shed many of the problems of last season. The premiere was genuinely funny; the very fact that Ally is oblivious to whether Larry is a therapist or a lawyer is itself a great piece of self-parody. Kelley has also cut way down on the gimmicks. Gone were the dancing babies, dwarf lawyers, and giant tongues of recent memory; indeed, Ally's daydream visions were almost entirely eliminated. be457b7860

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