Workshop "Lectures on Quantum Theory: Interaction between Physics and Mathematics", Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 14th July 2023.
Workshop "Mathematical Limits in Physics", Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 7th-8th April 2022.
ILMPS-2022: Third Irvine-London-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 6th-7th April 2022.
Contributed speaker. ILMPS Conference 2024, King's College, London (UK), 10th-11th June, 2024.
Title of the talk: Approximations that matter - Virtual particles as carriers of interactions (based on a joint work with Gianni Arioli and Giovanni Valente).Contributed speaker. Barcelona Analysis Conference (BAC24), Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona (Spain), 3rd-7th June, 2024.
Title of the talk: Interacting Maxwell: from Klein-Gordon to Schrödinger (based on a joint work with Maicol Caponi, Alberto Maione, and Enzo Vitillaro).
Contributed poster. Atlantic Conference in Nonlinear PDEs, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon (Portugal), 30th October - 3rd November, 2023.
Title of the poster: Interacting Maxwell: from Klein-Gordon to Schrödinger (joint work with Maicol Caponi, Alberto Maione, and Enzo Vitillaro).Contributed speaker. Causality for Ethics and Society, LMU Munich, Munich (Germany), 24th-25th July 2023.
Title of the talk: Classification parity, causal equal protection and algorithmic fairness (joint work with Marcello Di Bello and Michele Loi).Contributed poster. 20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2023), Inria, Paris (France), 17th-21st July 2023.
Title of the poster: On the deep connection between hyperstructures and quantum logic (joint work with Alessandro Linzi).Invited speaker. Third Symposium on Hypercompositional Algebra-new Developments and Applications (HAnDA), University of Athens and University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica (Solvenia), 12th-14th June 2023.
Title of the talk: Hypercompositional structures and quantum logic (joint work with Alessandro Linzi).Invited lecturer at Center for Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics, University of Nova Gorica, 13th June 2023.
Title of the talk: Genus Comparisons in the Topological Analysis of RNA Structures (joint work with Stefano Grasso).Invitited speaker. Seminar on Mathematics Education (ONLINE), organized by Institute of Mathematics, Pedagogical University of Krakow, 26th May 2023.
Title of the talk: Analogy in mathematics: from epistemology to the classrooom (and back) (joint talk with Francesco Nappo). Video of the talk.Contributed speaker. Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences, Bonn (Germany), 17th-20th April 2023.
Title of the talk: On the transferability of perturbative methods from quantum mechanics to mathematical biology (joint work with Stefano Grasso).Invited speaker. Analogical Minds Seminar (ONLINE), 23rd February 2023.
Title of the talk: Analogy in mathematics: from epistemology to the classrooom (and back) (joint talk with Francesco Nappo). Video of the talk.
Contributed speaker. FPMW14 - 14ème rencontre française de Philosophie des Mathématiques, Nantes Université, Nantes (France), 19th-21th October 2022.
Title of the talk: Reasoning by analogy in mathematical practice (joint talk with Francesco Nappo).Contributed speaker. 5th SILFS Postgraduate Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan (Italy), 13th-17th June 2022.
Title of the talk: Confirming mathematical conjectures by analogy (joint talk with Caterina Sisti).
Invited speaker. Seminar for the opening of the PhD year, University of Trento, Trento (Italy), 6th February 2020.
Title of the talk: Feynman path integral for Schrödinger equation with magnetic field.
Contributed poster. Recent Trends in Stochastic Analysis and SPDEs - Celebrating Franco Flandoli's 60th birthday, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy), 18th-20th July 2019.
Title of the poster: Notes on the Ogawa integrability and a condition for convergence in the multidimensional case.Contributed poster. Second Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University of Salerno and University of Naples Federico II, Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Italy), 17th-20th June 2019.
Title of the poster: Notes on the Ogawa integrability and a condition for convergence in the multidimensional case.
Attended conferences, schools and workshops
Summer school: "Nonlinear Quantum Graphs", Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France ,Valenciennes (France), 17th-21st June 2024.
Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Physics, King's College, London (UK), 11th-12th June 2024.
Fourth Symposium on Hypercompositional Algebra-new Developments and Applications (HAnDA), University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica (Solvenia), 3rd-7th June 2024. Presentation by A. Linzi (co-author from University of Nova Gorica).
9th biennial meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA23), Belgrade (Serbia) 20th-23rd September 2023. Presentation by F. Nappo (co-author from Polytechnic University of Milan).
Numbers and Stories - New Directions for Climate Storylines and Scenarios, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 21th June 2023.
European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'23), Winterthur (Switzerland), 7th-9th June 2023. Presentation by M. Di Bello (co-author from Arizona State University).
Philosophy, AI and Society (PAIS) Workshop, Stanford University, Standford (USA), 27th-28th January 2023. Presentation by M. Di Bello (co-author from Arizona State University).
Geometric Analysis and PDEs at PoliMi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 5th December 2022.
Causalworlds, ETH Zürich, Zürich (Switzerland), 12th-16th September 2022.
Workshop on Uncertainty in the Sciences, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 24th June 2022.
Third Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 13th-16th June 2022.
Workshop on Fairness and Machine Learning in Health, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 10th June 2022.
Eternity between Space and Time: from Consciousness to the Cosmos, University of Padova (Italy), ONLINE (via Zoom), 19th-21th May 2022.
Fondamenti della probabilità - L'impostazione di Bruno de Finetti, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy), 29th-30th October and 5th-6th November 2021. Some notes in italian (lecturer: E. Regazzini).
PDE and Randomness symposium, University of Bath (UK), ONLINE (via Zoom), 1st-10th September 2021.
Stochastic PDEs and their Friends, WIAS, and TU Berlin, ONLINE (via Zoom), 31th May - 2nd June 2021.
Stochastic Processes and their Friends, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, ONLINE (via Zoom), 18th-19th March 2021.
Nonlocal Operators and Markov Processes, WUST Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics, and TUD Faculty of Mathematics Institute of Mathematical Stochastics, ONLINE (via Zoom), 26th-30th October 2020.
Barcelona Mathematical Days 2020, Catalan Mathematical Society, ONLINE (via Zoom), 23th-24th October 2020.
XXIV Escola Brasileira de Probabilidade, IMECO, UFBA, IMPA, UFRGS, and Bernoulli Society, ONLINE (via Google Meet), 31th August - 4th September 2020. Some notes on Brownian Castle (lecturer: M. Hairer).
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, Bernoulli Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and One World Probability Projec, ONLINE (via Zoom), 24th-28th August 2020.
CMI-HIMR Integrable Probability Online Summer School, Clay Mathematics Institute and Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research (with support from the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford), ONLINE (via Zoom), 27th-31th July 2020.
PDE and Randomness Online Summer School, on the platform of the "One World Probability" project, ONLINE (via Zoom), 20th-24th July 2020. Some notes on Stochastic Yang-Mills (lecturer: M. Hairer).
Fractional Calculus and Fractional Stochastic Calculus, with Applications , LMS Invited Lectures Series , ONLINE (via Zoom), 15th-19th June 2020.
Random Transformations and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics, University of Milan, Verona (Italy), 25th–28th March 2019.
RISM6 - Developments in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (in honor of Giuseppe Da Prato), Riemann International School of Mathematics (RISM), Varese (Italy), 23th–27th July 2018. Some notes on Renormalization of SPDEs (lecturer: M. Hairer).
Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen 2018, Université de Rouen, Rouen (France), 20th–22th June 2018.
IST Austria Summer School in Probability and Mathematical Physics, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), Klosterneuburg (Austria), 4th–8th June 2018. Some notes on BPHZ Theorem for SPDEs (lecturer: M. Hairer).
Second School and Workshop “Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics”, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome (Italy), 19th–24th February 2018.
Workshop Deterministic and Stochastic Evolution Equations, University of Parma, Parma (Italy), 4th-6th September 2017.
International Workshop on “Quantum Physics and Geometry”, University of Trento, Levico Terme (Trento, Italy), 4th-6th July 2017.
First Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University of Turin and Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin (Italy), 19th-22th June 2017.
Workshop INFN BELL 2017 - Fundamental Problem of Quantum Physics, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 16th June 2017.