Razor IMU

Comparison of SEN-14001 (new) against SEN-10736 (old):

Razor 9DoF IMU - SEN 14001 (experimental):

  1. Follow directions for installing firmware.
  2. Develop/test Arduino code for calibration/operation.
  3. Add in rosserial package (like TeensyDuino). Cross your fingers and hope that it's straightforward to match up data types.

Nicole's steps taken:

  1. Go to "Boards Manager", search "samd", and install.
  2. Install SparkFun Board Definition.
  3. Install SparkFun MPU-9250 DMP library and FlashStorage Arduino library.
  4. Download load the example firmware file.

Sparkfun 9DoF Razor IMU M0 (14001) (attempt 2.0):

  • Good news!! RacecarJ team uses this IMU and has submitted ROS package support for it (currently being processed).
  • In the meantime, I have completed the following:

  • Next: check port is correct and get driver_node.launch working (or own application working)