Nicolas Morales

Welcome to my website. 

I am an Economist at the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 2019. 

My research focuses on topics related to International Trade and Labor Economics, particularly migration and supply chains. 

Curriculum Vitae


The views expressed in this website are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. 

Working papers:

Blogs: Non-technical summary

Blogs: Ideas for India Economic Brief Media: Bloomberg, Fortune, US News & World report, Center for Global Development, The Straits Times, CIO Dive, Business Standard, The Economic Times, Tech-Wire Asia, Think Progress, Nearshore Americas

Podcast: Trade Talks  Speaking of the Economy Blogs: Non-technical summary
Blogs: Non-technical summary

Published and accepted papers:

Blogs: Non-technical summary

Media:  Wall Street Journal, NBER Digest, HKS (Shorenstein), Atlantic, Quartz, BuzzFeed, CIO Dive,Silicon Beat, Market Watch, Michigan News, NextGov, Vice, American Bazaar, (Mentions: Wiki (H-1B) ) .

Other publications:

Richmond Fed articles:

Richmond Fed podcast: