How to Watch NICK JR on Smart TV

What is NICK JR?

We all are familiar with NICK JR, which targets preschool children and provides preschool programming services. Here, you can play lots of games and watch videos that help in a child's growth. Many TV shows run on this channel, and you can also watch them on its website. It is a play and learns channel which helps your child in language development, nurture memory, and motor skills. This channel develops cognitive skills and provides educational and entertainment content, which is important for a child's development.

NICK JR is not just an entertainment channel but also builds a strong relationship between a child and the mother. It is a smart platform to play and gain immense knowledge. You can watch their videos on their YouTube channel as well, which uploads videos/episodes of various tv shows it airs. Also, NICK JR screens in over 125 countries, including Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany, and many more. It can be viewed through cable tv, on YouTube, and also on their website. But viewing on your smart TV will give a whole new experience and will be better for the child to learn while dancing or playing with the riddles. You might wonder how to install or activate NICK JR on your smart TV. Well, do not worry. We provide you with a complete step-wise process to let you activate this amazing channel on your smart tv.

Stepwise guide for you to Activate NICK JR on your Smart TV

NICK JR is an eco-system channel for a child and the mother, which helps in nurturing and developing the inbuilt skills of a child. It offers many different shows which have their content and is offered in almost more than 25 languages. By following the below steps, you will be able to activate NICK JR on your smart tv and enjoy feeding and playing with your child-

  1. The link ( is used to activate NICK JR on any TV.

  2. On your TV, go to the App Store and search for 'NICK JR'. Now, install this app. Sometimes, it is pre-installed on your TV, but if it's not, do install it first.

  3. Open the NICK JR app and click on the sign-in option. Fill out the details, and now you can use this app.

  4. When you go to 'My Account, there you will see 'Activate'. Click on it or go to nickjr/activate.

  5. After you select this option, you will receive an activation code on your screen within some seconds.

  6. Use this code to activate, and you are all set.


Hope you did not find any difficulty with these steps and were able to activate this fun-loving channel on your smart TV without any trouble.

Disclaimer:The easiest steps to activate the NICK JR channel using, and just by entering the activation code, you are ready to go.