Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time. Save your schedule template so that you can schedule it with your business partners and employees. Use it in a collaborative effort so that they can add to your schedule when you have availability. Rearrange your schedule during busy seasons, like for annual sales or holiday sales. Create a schedule for your different social media profiles so that your business knows when to post and what to post. Add your brand's logo to the top of the schedule so that all your internal documentation stays consistent. Follow the schedule so that you're using your time wisely and effectively.

We have a number of schedule templates and calendars that you can download and edit using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. A spreadsheet is a great tool for creating a daily schedule or weekly schedule. It's not too difficult to create your own schedule from scratch, but like most people, you probably value your time and money, so hopefully our free schedule templates will be just what you need.

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Hi Dynamo team!

I have been try a few way to export schedule to excel, but still not succeed. I just looking the simplest way to export schedule to excel. Other formatting I will do in Excel Macro.

Can someone tell me, what is the problem with my dynamo?

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It is a lot of step to do if direct export revit schedule to excel which it will export to .txt first, then we have to open excel, import that .txt file, then format it.

I am working with the consultant company which we will always change the schedule and it will so much pain to export manually if there any update to the schedule.

Right know i am trying to make a script that can export schedule to excel in 1 or 2 click. After this i will make a script how to import back the data from excel to revit.

You understand what I mean?

I have a work book that i have been working on and tinkering with and on it I have a sheet seen below and what i am trying to do is create a weekly schedule based on Column F of the sheet in first picture to the schedule sheet in second Picture. So what ever the start date is I would like for it to list each row based on the dated on schedule sheet. I would like for it to show the information in Colums B,G,I,J for each row

@NikolinoDE I have attached my workbook that that I am trying to figure out how to do it. In the Projects tabs you will see rows of job information that pertains to jobs in my work bucket. What I am trying to accomplish is on the schedule tab I would like for the jobs to be listed by the dates corresponding to the weekdays on the calendar . So if a job is starting on lets say mondays date I want to list the information for the job number or numbers the address and city of each so Columns B,G,I & J

Now the question is rather than manually enter these excel files each week to refresh the data is there a way I can set a refresh schedule? Is it possible to use something like Power BI or Microsoft Flow to set this up as I can't currently see any way of setting any schedule up directly within SharePoint?

Not sure however I think the first part refering to the flow of exporting SharePoint list content is relevant if you dont mind me saying? I just need to take the excel document which is saved in SharePoint and refresh the data without actually having to manually enter the document itself?

To be honest I'm not sure I totally follow these posts and what they are achieving? From what I am seeing it refers to publishing your excel file or data source from SharePoint to Power BI if I am correct and then setting a refresh schedule within the data set in Power BI.

Completely agree. these responses just say you can set up a scheduled recurrence. Yes i know i can do that, but the ACTION we want to take is to refresh the queries in the file. @v-yuxima-msft - is there a way we can refresh the file using the power flow?

@wumoladthank-you for this, it was very helpful! I was able to get the fields to select more employees that I added, but I have to add them to the top of the employee list for some reason by adding in a line. If I add them after the 5 lines provided in the template they don't show up even if I do the data validation you suggested. Any idea why? (I am very new to excel by the way).

3-) Not super important but if it can randomize the schedule from month to month it would be awesome. So everyone gets to work with each other and not get stuck with the same bunch of people every month.

How can we export a cabinet schedule to an excel or numbers spreadsheet? I want to be able to work with the schedules apart from chief. I present the schedules in the layouts for clients but want to have internal use columns that can be shared around the office and not updated on the client layout plan.

So how do I set it up so it changes every day only to show that row. But the idea would also be, I guess, is to change the excel layout or as you write report layout so each column head or I could create names where each column head could show that time. In that field.

Online Services Limited Access Codes are going away. Visit our Limited Access Code Removal page for scheduled removal dates and instructions on how to Sign Up Now for a username and password.

While completing your Sales and Use Tax return, you have the option to upload your information using our Excel Workbooks. This option is commonly used by those who need to add ten or more district tax areas or counties to their schedules or used vehicle dealers who need to report multiple vehicle sales.

Schedule TO EXCEL is a custom plug-in which can be used for exporting Autodesk Revit schedules to Microsoft Excel files. This is an easy way that will save your effort and time. You can export many schedules with one click.

If it works when you're logged in, then I'd suggest setting up the task scheduler to run it under your account. If that still works, then create a new account with the same kind of permissions as your account and have it run under that account.

It doesn't. Mapped drive letters like E: are per-user. The drive is valid only under your user account, the scheduled task is probably running using another account. Instead of tinkering with accounts, the best thing to do is to use a universal name. Like \\server\share\excel.xls, that's valid for any account. Ask more questions about it at

I was struggling to get this to work. I had been all over google, I thought that I had solved my problem with help of one thread that had a drop down while setting up the scheduled task that allowed you to select XP as the "Configure for" option, the XP option is only available when creating the task from the beginning. That worked fine as long as the owner of the scheduled task was actually logged into the machine.

I am trying to write a script that will automate exporting the attribute data in the survey 123 hosted feature layer from AGOL to an excel file. As I understand it I need to do this from within the ArcGIS Pro environment as I want the columns to be named with the name value from the survey 123 connect XLS form as opposed to the label. I would also like this script to be able to be run on a schedule as it is written without needing to update information before every run. Every time a new record is collected however the name of the .gdb file that is extracted from the zipfile changes and new records are not captured in the excel table. Additionally, the script still requires me to manually delete the excel/csv file each time to rerun the script... It won't overwrite despite the overwriteoutput = True statement. Is there a better workflow to download attribute data to an excel file with Python from within the ArcGIS Pro environment? Any help appreciated, Thanks

If it were me, that's what I would use for this scenario. You could easily watch a survey and then write out the attributes to an Office365 Excel sheet or Google Docs. You can even schedule this to run on certain times/days.

Hi, I've been trying to export a report that was created using the custom table feature in Report Manager. When the report is scheduled to export to excel, and then email it, I get unable to retrieve URL using excel type, however, when I select PDF as the export method, it works. It also works if I manually export it to excel. But that defeats the purpose on automating it. Has anyone come across this? (NPM version 11.5.2)

The user I'm running the report as doesn't have admin rights, and has a limitation linked to a custom property. I've tried running the schedule again, after adding in 'report management' rights, but to no avail. I'm going to try again after making the user a full admin, see if that makes any difference.

UPDATE#2: The scheduler is still broken, but I've found something odd about the 'Top Capacity Problems' resource: It does not respect account limitations! Logged in as the user mentioned above, and ran the report. With the restrictions on the account, it should have only shown me devices which matched the custom property, but it doesn't. I can see all nodes, even ones which should be filtered out by the custom property. I proved this by right-clicking on the link to one of the nodes I shouldn't see, and opening it in a new tab, and got the 'you do not have permission to view this node' response.

UPDATE#2: It appears that I have got to the crux of my problem. It appears that some resources are simply not compatible with the export to CSV or Excel options. Have a look at your report outside the scheduler. Do you have the option above the report (to the top right) to export to Excel? If not, then I expect you're using a resource that contains data that cannot be presented in anything other than static means, which explains why PDF exports work fine ff782bc1db

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