Neighborhood Greenways:

Applications, Research, and Effectiveness

Summary of Workshop at Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting

Washington, DC, on January 8th, 2017

Workshop co-sponsored by the following TRB committees:

  • Bicycle Transportation Committee (ANF20)
  • Pedestrian Committee (ANF10)
  • Transportation Issues in Major US Cities Committee (ABE30)
  • Operational Effects of Geometrics (AHB65)

Neighborhood greenways (also called "bicycle boulevards", "local street bikeways", "quiet streets", "fietsstraat", "fahrradstrasse", and others) are growing in popularity as a tool for encouraging bike use on low-traffic streets without dedicated bike facilities, while also introducing traffic calming elements to enhance pedestrian comfort. However, treatments vary and there is little research on the comparative effectiveness of specific elements for bicyclists or pedestrians, or on which elements combine to have benefits greater than the sum of their parts.

This workshop was convened to explore the state of research and practice, and included breakout discussions among workshop attendees to identify priorities for future research and project development. It included presentations by researchers and practitioners on a wide range of topics and scales, from the big and regional (considerations for developing a well-connected low-stress network) to local case studies in both urban and rural contexts, in North America and elsewhere.

Download workshop materials:

Part I: Planning and Design Guidance

Part II: Case Studies and Research on Outcomes

All photos and website layout courtesy Glen Koorey, ViaStrada Ltd.

Header graphic and workshop summary reports credit Daniel Paschall, DVRPC.

For further information about this workshop, contact Glen Koorey, ViaStrada Ltd, or Greg Krykewycz, DVPRC.