I am a Research Professor (Directeur de Recherche) at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS). I am affiliated with EconomiX (a joint research unit of the CNRS and Paris Nanterre University).
I am also a member of the Labex program IDGM+ (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and the Environment for Development Initiative global network (EfD Vietnam). I am currently a visiting professor at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) & Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
My research interests are Environmental Economics and Agricultural Economics using econometric, behavioral and experimental tools.
I was awarded the Guy Ourisson Prize in 2013 by "Le Cercle Gutenberg" for the best young researcher in Alsace region and the Bronze Medal in 2015 by the CNRS for the best young researcher in France.
Here, you can dowload the preprints and latest versions of my works. For other information (papers, codes, data, etc.) don't hesitate to contact me at: pnguyenvan(@)parisnanterre.fr
My latest publications and preprints
Guillon M., Nguyen-Van P., Ventelou B., Willinger M. (2024), "Consumer impatience: a key motive for Covid-19 vaccination", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, forthcoming.
Tran-Nam Q., Nguyen-Van P., Tiet T. (2024), "Synergy in environmental compliance, innovation and export on SMEs' growth", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming. (author names in random order)
Le-Van C., Nguyen N.A., Nguyen N.M., Nguyen-Van P. (2023), "Capital diversion in Vietnamese state-owned enterprises", Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy, 3(2), 221-229.
Héraud J.A., Nguyen-Van P., Pham T.K.C. (2023), "Public services and subjective well-being in a European city: The case of Strasbourg metropolitan area", Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy, 3(2), 87-110.
Rafai I., Blayac T., Dubois D., Duchêne S., Nguyen-Van P., Ventelou B., Willinger M. (2023) "Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with Covid-19 prophylactic measures", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107, 102089.
Guillaumont P., Nguyen-Van P., Pham T.K.C., Wagner L. (2023), "Equal opportunity and poverty reduction: How should aid be allocated?", Review of Development Economics, 27(1), 550-607.
Recent science popularization articles
Nguyen-Van P., Stenger A., Tiet T. (2022), "Ces incitations sociales qui poussent les individus à adopter des modes de vie plus durables", The Conversation, 14 mars 2022.
Nguyen-Van P., Stenger A., Veron E. (2021), "Les freins au développement de l’agriculture biologique dans l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg", In Situ n°19, ZAEU Strasbourg.
Recent working papers
First draft: de Bonviller S., Nguyen-Van P., Rozan A. (2020), "More market, more efficiency? Water market impacts on water use efficiency in the Australian agricultural sector", BETA Working Paper n°2020-14 .
Some ongoing projects
RESPIRE: "Resilience-after-crisis in risk, time and social preferences: A behavioral economics study with a focus on cooperativeness", ANR RESILIENCE-COVID-19, 2021-2023.
DETECAB & Hello Vietnam: "Drivers of organic farming (with Kene Boun My, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Anne Stenger, Nguyen To-The), INRAE & VNUA (Vietnam), 2021-2024.
"Identification et mesure de biais comportementaux dans le contexte de la transition énergétique dans la région du Rhin supérieur: choix des ménages en termes d'énergies renouvelables et effet rebond" (with Anne Stenger), OHM Fessenheim, 2022-2024.
"Des Incitations Sociales et Spatiales pourraient-elles être suffisantes pour déclencher la conversion au BIO et son maintien dans le temps ?" (DIS-BIO), (with Thi Kim Cuong Pham and Anne Stenger), INRAE, 2023-2024.
Economic growth, biodiversity, and the environment (with Laté Lawson).