NGSS Lesson Evaluation and Adaptation Tool



This tool is designed to support users in identifying features of an existing lesson that are designed for NGSS learning. It helps them determine the parts of the lesson that need to be adapted and provides resources for those changes to more closely align to the NGSS.

To evaluate lessons, the tool uses modified criteria from the NGSS Lesson Screener including:

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas
  • Science and Engineering Practices
  • Crosscutting Concepts
  • Phenomena
  • Student ideas

To use the NGSS Lesson and Evaluation Tool the user first completes forms to identify features of the lessons that match each of these criteria. Once the form is complete, a document will be emailed to the user for each of the criteria. This document facilities the further evaluation of the lesson by helping identify elements in the lesson that align to the goals of the NGSS and criteria that is missing from the materials. Resources are provided to support users in improving the criteria that were identified as shortcomings in the lesson.

To begin, select the science domain of the lesson you are evaluating: