Privacy Policy

We know how important is the privacy of your personal information. This policy describes what information can be collected when you use our mobile application, how that information is used, and how that information is maintained. We never sell, distribute or disclose personally identifiable information to third parties.

The general information we collect is in most cases anonymous and used purely for statistical or analytical purposes.


When you use our application, you are consenting to the practices described in this policy.


We use third-party ads to support our application. These advertisers may use cookies when their ads are displayed in our application. The use of cookies means that some information about you is returned to the advertiser, which could include your IP address and location data to geotarget which is the way to tailor the ads to you and your location.


Google AdSense / AdMob


Google, as a third-party ad provider, uses cookies to serve ads in our applications. Google uses DoubleClick cookies in ads that appear on its partners' websites, such as websites that display AdSense ads or participate in Google-certified ad networks. When users visit a partner's website and view or click on an ad, a cookie can be left in the end user's browser. The data collected from these cookies will be used to help AdSense publishers serve and better manage ads on their sites and on the Web.


Google AdMob is one of the ad networks that Next Pro Apps uses in its applications for mobile devices. Google AdMob uses the same Google AdSense policy mentioned.


Record files


Like most websites, we collect and use data stored in log files. This includes Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), reference / exit pages, platform type, date / time stamp and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses, etc. they are not linked to personally identifiable information.


Google analytics for Firebase


Our Apps use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors interact with their website. Google Analytics customers can see a variety of reports on how visitors interact with their website so they can improve it. Google Analytics collects information anonymously. Report website trends without identifying individual visitors.


Declaration of Copyright


Next Pro Apps copyright © 2019-2023. All rights reserved. The copyright for the content and design is strictly Next Pro Apps and protected by U.K. and E.U. Copyright laws. The materials contained within can not be modified or redistributed, in whole or in part, without the prior permission of Next Pro Apps.