About Me

"3D-Animator -and-mother-of-3-broodlings" during the day and pwning gamers at night!

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Heroes of the Storm: Top 1% one match from Master bracket (2018)

Heroes of Newerth: Top 5% (2012)

Event Organiser: - Heroes of the Stream league (2017)

- One Night Live Tournaments (2010-2017)

- Lunch Break Gaming (2015 ongoing)


Welcome Traveller!

I started streaming around 2010. I used to play Heroes of Newerth back then, the only MOBA with voice and an All Chat. What pushed me to do the leap of faith into streaming was that I realized it was the perfect media to attract the kind of people I wanted to play with. It just was so hard… to find people okay with my non-deep-male voice, lol!

I took some breaks once in a while, due to life changing events (such as producing 3 minions and separating from a 16 year relationship) . Everytime I come back I try out all the most popular MOBAs and pick one to master.

I’ll finally be able to pronounce myself with confidence when answering the following question: which MOBA is best of them all : D

My goal is to play with people that are not scared of thinking outside the box, and try out my evil plans > : D . Let me know if you want to join me on my quest to conquer LoL !

(Want to know more about my goals and what I’ve done in the past, you can ask me when I'm streaming, or if you are too shy, explore the tap menu above :

