NextGRAAL— Next-generation algorithms for 
constrained GRAph visuALization  — is a PRIN 2022 Project co-funded by MUR.  

The project started on September 28th, 2023. The Principal Investigator is Fabrizio Montecchiani (UniPG).

Graph-based models are pervasive in many fields of science and technology and their visualization plays a crucial role in the analysis and exploration of complex datasets. In this scenario, graph drawing is a key research area whose ultimate goal is to construct valuable visualizations of graphs and networks. Despite a great effort over the last thirty years, the problem of computing effective visualizations remains a largely elusive and pressing one. 

The objective of project NextGRAAL is to develop new algorithmic results and novel visualization paradigms that will provide the scientific groundwork for the next generation of software and tools, which will be able to efficiently compute high-quality graph visualizations with application-driven constraints of various kinds.