Welcome to NextGen RH

An AYSRH community of practice led by youth, for youth

This image shows the NextGen RH logo which features a person standing in lightbulb.

There has never been a more critical time to focus on the reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth than today. Ensuring that the needs of this population are met is important to achieving improvements in reproductive health globally. There is no time to wait. Now is the time for the next generation of reproductive health programming and research for adolescents and youth.

NextGen RH is a Community of Practice (CoP) whose mission is to provide technical leadership in the effective implementation of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRH) programs and advance the research agenda. Supported by youth co-chairs, an advisory committee and general members, the CoP is focused on strengthening collective efforts to advance the field of AYSRH and it serves as a platform of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building to creatively develop solutions to common and emerging challenges and develop and support AYSRH best practices and promising approaches.

NextGen RH Leadership

The youth-led CoP is headed by two co-chairs in collaboration with 13 advisory committee members. Knowledge SUCCESS serves as the current coordinating organization.

Learn more about NextGen RH structure and the Advisory Committee members here.

The photo above depicts a flow chart with three teal boxes on the left-hand side connected with dotted lines. The first box on the left-hand side reads, “Youth Co-chairs (2),” the second box on the left-hand side reads, “Advisory Committee Members (13), and the third box on the left-hand side reads, “General Members.” Each of the three boxes is connected to a fourth teal box on the right-hand side that reads “Knowledge SUCCESS.”

Upcoming Events