About Us

Company Name: NewsPhilippines

About Company:

NewsPhilippines is dedicated to providing the latest news and updates from the Philippines. We strive to keep our readers informed and engaged with timely and accurate reporting on a wide range of topics.


Our mission is to be the go-to source for news and information about the Philippines, delivering reliable and unbiased reporting that empowers our audience to make informed decisions and stay connected to their community.


We envision a future where every Filipino has access to high-quality journalism and is able to stay informed about the issues that matter most to them. Through our reporting, we aim to foster a more informed and engaged society.

Core Values:

Integrity: We are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic ethics and integrity in all of our reporting.

Accuracy: We strive to deliver accurate and reliable information to our readers, ensuring that they can trust the news they receive from us.

Transparency: We believe in being transparent about our sources and methods, so our readers can have confidence in the information we provide.

Community: We are dedicated to serving the Filipino community by keeping them informed and connected to the news that affects their lives.


Our team is made up of experienced journalists and editors who are passionate about delivering high-quality news to our readers. With a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise, we work together to bring you the latest and most relevant news from the Philippines.