New Model Media is a specialist digital media consultancy run by Matthew Smith, who has over 10 years experience in the media and publishing industry. 

Matthew is an experienced CRO and digital publishing executive with a track record for delivering significant organic growth, integrating acquisitions and building diversified digital revenues. During his career he has been at the forefront of digital media,  leading publishing teams that have driven over £350m in revenue, and helped retailers achieve more than £3bn in online sales.

Why New Model Media? 

New Model Media was founded on the belief that with the right strategy there is an opportunity for every publisher to unlock new high growth and high margin digital revenue streams.

Times are challenging in digital media. Reader loyalty has never been harder to maintain, Google search success has never been harder to achieve, and competition across platforms has never been greater. Algorithm changes on both search and social platforms can stifle traffic growth, ad budgets are being cut in many sectors, and AI is driving change in both content creation and reader behaviour. 

We firmly believe that these challenges also breed opportunity, and that there are clear routes to building profitable and successful digital media businesses.  

This new model for digital media success is built on diversified, recurring revenues, excellent user experience, high value content, trusted relationships and authoritative journalism. 

It's our belief that premium publishers will remain an important part of the digital landscape, and they are uniquely placed to offer high quality, expert and trusted content that builds loyal communities of readers, watchers and listeners.

We can help you build the right strategy to drive a step change in digital revenue growth.

Our Services

At New Model Media we offer a variety of services to help our wide range of clients build diversified digital revenue strategies. 

We specialise in: 

How we can help

We are flexible with how we work with our clients, working across both short and long term projects. Typically this work falls into one or more of the below:

01    |    Performance Audit:  An audit of your current revenue strategy, highlighting areas of underperformance and offering recommendations for improvements. Covering all aspects of your business including content, SEO, commercial partnerships, data and reporting, technology partnerships, and user experience. 

02    |    Strategy Consultancy: Detailed strategy insight that will help you put in six month, twelve month and five year strategies to supercharge your revenue growth. This includes detailed best practice for content, UX, reporting and commercials, as well as P&L forecasting and recommended organisational structures. 

03    |    Mentoring & Advice : Continuous support for your leadership teams, advising on business decisions, strategy, recruitment and conmmercial negotiations. This can include monthly and quarterly check-ins, assessment of goals and reviewing potential M&A targets. 


For enquiries about our services, pricing, or for any other questions please email us at:


Aaron Asadi, former Chief Content Officer, Future PLC 

We were blessed with many great talents at Future but no one more impactful and more essential to a single area than Matt. In eCommerce, no category has grown, no brand has flourished, no commercial deal won, no technical initiative landed, no report published, without his involvement and influence.I have been in awe of very few people in my life, but I am of Matt.”