Sometimes Jay-Z just gets to me. Like in that uhhh, nah, nah, nahhh kind of way. Makes me want to raise an angry fist, wax poetically about my lover, or talk trash. Or drop lyrics about a city I love. When he raps about New York City, I envy his passion and skill. Well, because, of his passion and skill, but also because I just didn't understand it. I've been to the Big Apple five times and all five times I walked away thinking, So THAT'S what people make a big deal about? I know, I know, there's some neu yawker out there who's planning to set my feet in cement and drop me in the Hudson because I just said that, but wait. There's more.

Known as the city that never sleeps, or the big apple, New York City, is one of the top travel destinations! There is no other city in the world that compares to this concrete jungle. We visited during a frigid week in March and still had a wonderful time.

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There are over 700 hotels to choose from when looking for a place to stay in NYC. We chose to stay at The Dominick hotel and were so happy we did! The Dominick is the only five-star hotel in SoHo and is within walking distance of so many amazing restaurants, cafes, shops, and subway stations. After a long day exploring the concrete jungle in cold temperatures, it was so nice to come back to our beautiful room, enjoy a luxurious bath in the deep soaker tub and crawl into our king-size pillow top bed that felt like a cloud! Day or night, we could enjoy the breathtaking views of the city thanks to the panoramic windows. This hotel is high in demand, so if you want to want to stay here, we recommend booking in advance as it does fill up. Prices start at roughly $350 USD a night, depending on the time of year you visit.

Another place to admire the New York from above is Top of The Rock. Seventy floors above the city, you get a most iconic sight of the Empire State Building. Half an hour before dusk is the most beautiful time to visit, however if you rather want to avoid crowds come early to mid-morning. Also advisable is to book your tickets ahead online. You can spend as much time up there as you like.

We visited in March, and although we had a great time, it was extremely cold the week we were there. You spend a great deal of time outside, walking the city streets, so you want the weather to be dry and warm enough to be comfortable walking from one place to the next. I recommend later spring, fall, or December around Christmas. Although December is cold, there are many exciting Christmas activities and decorations to enjoy that make it worth it!

Few city experiences are more quintessentially New York than shopping on Fifth Avenue. Home to the world's top fashion houses, retail department stores and designer boutiques, there's something for everyone.

5. New York is a city of dogs. They are not much in evidence during the day, unless one encounters a dog walker, being dragged down Fifth Avenue by six or seven of her charges. But early evening, the dogs come out, each with his accompanying human, whom he often resembles in stature and walk. Interestingly enough, there are more big dogs than small. You would have thought that dachshunds and yorkies would have been ideal for city life, but I see more golden retrievers and labs and standard poodles, even Afghan hounds. New Yorkers are well trained too. Not a speck of poop in sight on the sidewalks.

9. It is also a city of quiet corners in which time stands still. There is a fair being held in a churchyard with home baked cookies and crocheted potholders. I once got locked, by mistake, in Gramercy park, which is the only private square in the city when I had stayed at the Gramercy Park hotel and gone there to regroup in the calm of nature. In Central Park proud moms and darker skinned nannies watch light skinned children play in the sand or climb the rocks. It is easy to get lost in Central Park, easy to forget that you are in a city at all.

Four hundred years ago Manhattan's Upper East Side (left foreground) and Harlem neighborhoods (left background) were Lenape Indian hunting-and-gathering territories (illustration at right).


\nMannahatta Project director Eric Sanderson hopes that knowledge of Manhattan's past will help urban planners build better cities tomorrow.


\nHe has a thought experiment for them: \"If you knew everything about Mannahatta's original ecology and could rebuild Manhattan using the best ideas of green design today, what kind of city would you build? And what would it be like to live there?\"

Sometimes, just sometimes, living in a city that never sleeps can get a little too much. And you know where does sleep? Upstate. NY State is filled with incredible resorts fit for relaxing in once the city has gotten too much. Luckily, upstaters do much more than just snooze. Upstate New York resorts are packed with wonderful activities, from paddleboarding, fishing, and golf, all the way through to wineries, hiking trails, and picturesque apple-picking farms. Plenty of stuff that you just don't really get in the concrete jungle.

My first stop in Manhattan was visiting the Flat Iron District. After wandering endlessly all over the city you can relax & unwind sitting in front of the Flat Iron. Head over to Madison Square Park where you can see all the newyorker puppers walking by, performers, daily activities. You can even have a bite at Shake Shack or cross the street and enjoy some freshly made pasta & pizza at Eataly! ff782bc1db

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