This second book of New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology cover planetary combinations which the author came across during his crareer as an astrologer. . These Combinations generally do not fail and can be successfully applied to the native and other relations of the native also. As such they can be used for checking the correctness of the natal chart as well.These combinations will be particularly useful in cases where the Ascendent is falling almost in the middle of two signs i. e. if it is at 1 or 2 degree or at 28 or 29 degrees. This slight difference in the positioning of the Ascendent will change the entire horoscope. By applying these Rules or Combinations, correct Ascendent work, a sincere reader is advised to go through certain Fundamental Rules given in the first book of the author, New Dimensions in Hindu Astrology, in Chapter XII dealing with Houses, Planets and their Portfolios-Strength of a Planet in a particular Sign and Chapter XIII dealing with important rules for Making Predictions. These Rules may seem to be deviating from orthodox Astrological Principles, but the author has successfully applied them in making predictions, and has never found them wanting in any respect. Instead these rules have provided very logical explanations to certain inexplicable areas of human destiny and have provided a Scientific and a New Dimension to Hindu Astrology. For the benefit of the reader, I would give a few of these Fundamental Principles in brief.

Provides astrological combinations that usually do not fail, and can be applied, to the native and other relations of the native as well. Here, the author has successfully applied the rules to make accurate predictions. These rules have provided logical explanations to various areas of human destiny.

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In Vedic astrology, Moon is the significator of emotions. It rules over the mind of the native. Whereas, Mars represents red, rugged, raw energies. It is the significator of violence, courage, anger, leadership quality, musk, saffron, and forcefulness. The combination of Moon and Mars brings contradictory results.

(1) Now I am sharing certain rules to judge the Vak Siddhi based on my years long experience in the field of Vedic astrology and researches conducted by me on Vedic astrology and these rules are applicable to D27 chart and they are as follows:

In the case of happy or ideal couples, when the bonding is there, we find them to be experiencing the fruits of a previous bonding in continuation. That is how the purva janma sambhanda is identified. 

This was primarily checked in olden days in making marriages. As I wrote in the article, lagna, sun sign, moon sign, Venus, Mars and 7 & 8th lords must be in each other's sign or on same sign or in each other's star dispositor of sun or moon or venus and so on.

These rules as per Nadi texts for purva janma connection can be summarized as follows and used in matching horoscopes:

1. The lagna of one becoming the moon sign of the other or vice versa (moon sign becoming the lagna of the other)

2. The lagna of one becoming the sun sign of the other or vice versa.

3. The sun sign of one being the moon sign of the other.

4. Venus being in the same sign for both.

5. The Venus sign being the moon sign for the other.

6. The Venus sign being the lagna for the other.

7. The 7th lord of one becoming the lagna lord of another or vice versa.

8. The sign where 7th lord is posited in one's horoscope becoming the lagna of the other.

9. The sign where the girl's 8th lord is posited becoming the lagna of the boy.

10. Jupiter in one's horoscope occupying the sign where Mercury is there in another's or vice versa. 


Two or more the number of these combinations if present ensure their purva karma bonding

Jaimini astrology uses a variety of special yogas or combinations which do not exist in other types of Jyotish. The two most unusual (but, in their own way, very logical) are the special combinations which have to do with Saturn and Venus. Venus, in combination with, aspected by or aspecting the Moon, produces a special auspicious combination in Jaimini which manifests during the mahadasa of one of the signs in which the planet sits. (Remember the special aspects which are unique to Jaimini)

Conjunctions or aspects which involve the atma karaka (1st house indicator), the amatya karaka (second and tenth house indicator), matri karaka (fourth house indicator), the putra karaka (fifth house indicator) and the dara or stri karaka (seventh house indicator) produce special combinations in Jaimini astrology similar to the Raja Yoga combinations in Parasara astrology.

Libra ascends in exact conjunction with the south node ketu (first major sign of strong interest in topics like astrology, btw). Libra has inherent artistic talent since Venus rules. Venus is exalted and in the mansion of Revati, whose symbol is a rhythmic drum. This all shows good basic potential in arts / music.

Interest of the Hindus in the subject of permutations and combinations originated in connection with the variation of the Vedic metres in a very early age. There are specific rules for the calculation of the variation of metres in the Chanda-stra of Pigala (before 200 BC). Permutations and combinationsseem to have been subjects of such a fascinating study for the Hindus that they applied the ideas about them in various other spheres of life, e. g. architecture, music, medicine, and astrology. Application of the principles of permutations and combinations is also found in the canonical literature ofthe Jainas in the study of philosophical categories. The present article aims at giving an account of the various uses of permutations and combinations in Indian literature. 17dc91bb1f

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