Button 1, when pressed exits the inner loop. Button 2 when pressed exits the outer loop and the program should stop. I put in a probe at the outer loop terminator and sure enough a TRUE goes to the terminator when I press button 2 but the program does not stop. Apparently, all inner loops must terminate before the outer loop can terminate.

While the example is trivial, the problem it illustrates is a real one for me. I want to provide a panic stop button is a large and complicated program and I don't see how I can do that with things as they are.

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Providing a single Stop button to stop everything in a large program can be a complex task. The key issue is that EVERY loop, function, subVI, case structure, event structure, sequence structure, and so on... must stop to stop the loop. If you have something like a file write or a read from GPIB instrument which takes 100s of milliseconds or seconds to complete, the stop process will take at least that long, assuming the time-consuming node was running when the stop was issued.

Another point: You should place the Button 2 terminal inside the the event case which responds to the button. That assures that the button will be read so the mechanical action works as expected. With it outside the loop it will only be read once.

A Notifier can be used to "spread the word" when it is time to stop. The timeout will keep it from waiting forever and will also allow other code parallel to the inner while loop to execute during the waits.

You need to understand a few basic things here: Your event structure and while loop execute in parallel, and the outer loop cannot iterate until both have completed. However, it cannot go to the next iteration unless the event structure has fired once, which only occurs if you want to stop the outer loop. (Since you did not wire a timeout value, the timeout will never happen). Since the outer loop stops unconditionally after the first iteration here, it has no purpose here.

Obviously, all your desired functionality is easily possible if correctly implemented. A big mistake is to have an event structure in parallel to blocking code in the same loop. As long as the inner loop spins, the event structure can only handle the first event it sees.

You need to decouple the user interface interaction from the processing, which is most easily done with two parallel loops, one to handle events and one to do your processing. Have a look at producer consumer arcitecture or similar.

If it is a pain in the @$$, you are using it wrong. One of the big advantage of dataflow is parallelism and levering the power of data dependency will automatically protect your critical sections. I have a fancy LabVIEW program that runs 17x faster on my fancy 16 core Xeon compared to the same code forced to execute sequentially.

Sequence structures don't violate dataflow, they are part of dataflow to enforce execution order if it cannot be enforced by other means (e.g. data dependency). A direct data dependency is highly preferred and almost always possible. Of course if all data dependency is destroyed by overuse of local variable and value property nodes, it will force overuse of sequence structures. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You are looking at this very simplistically. A program that interacts with the outside world (high voltage, high speed, etc.) cannot simply drop what it is doing and return to idle, it typically needs to follow a defined shutdown procedure. Similarly, if you are doing a lenghty 2D FFT, how is it supposed to quit unless you write the FFT routines yourself and constantly poll for a shutdown signal. It probably will be orders of magnitude slower, so what's the point?

Again, shutdown will be slow if your code is trapped in a lengthy sequence structure, but that's not good programming! If you would replace the sequence with a proper state machine, it can react much quicker because there are many more exit points and at the same time it can invoke defined shutdown states that may be needed.

Ansible offers the loop, with_, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, andrepeating a polling step until a certain result is reached.

Be careful when changing with_items to loop, as with_items performed implicit single-level flattening. You may need to use flatten(1) with loop to match the exact outcome. For example, to get the same output as:

You can pass a list directly to a parameter for some plugins. Most of the packaging modules, like yum and apt, have this capability. When available, passing the list to a parameter is better than looping over the task. For example

When you use register with a loop, the data structure placed in the variable will contain a results attribute that is a list of all responses from the module. This differs from the data structure returned when using register without a loop.

The loop keyword requires a list as input, but the lookup keyword returns a string of comma-separated values by default. Ansible 2.5 introduced a new Jinja2 function named query that always returns a list, offering a simpler interface and more predictable output from lookup plugins when using the loop keyword.

You can nest two looping tasks using include_tasks. However, by default, Ansible sets the loop variable item for each loop. This means the inner, nested loop will overwrite the value of item from the outer loop.You can specify the name of the variable for each loop using loop_var with loop_control.

When using loop_control.extended more memory will be utilized on the control node. This is a result of ansible_loop.allitems containing a reference to the full loop data for every loop. When serializing the results for display in callback plugins within the main ansible process, these references may be dereferenced causing memory usage to increase.

Suppose I have three layer of loops, and I have access to 100 threads for my computation. Each calculation depends on the specific (i, j, k) only and are unrelated to each other. There are two ways that I can think of to perform the calculation.

I thought both methods are equivalent, and version 2 should potentially be faster because it runs jobs using all 100 threads at once (id runs from 1 to 5,400), whereas i only runs from 1 to 15 in version 1.

Well, typically is too of a strong word. There are problems for which these alternatives provide better load balancing or workload distribution. Here is a discussion related to that: Home ChunkSplitters.jl

I would encourage you to make a post in the main KNIME AP forum, and if you can, include your workflow (or at least a sample that presents your problem). Those posts get a lot more visibility than these individual threads that are associated with Hub workflows.

Hi, I try to read and merge multiple files with slightly different format by using loops. It worked easily with the former xls reader by setting the location as variable: the xls reader extended the database with new columns for the ones that were not in the same format as in the first file.

So far I could not reach the same result with the new xls reader. I have error if the files are not in the same format. How can I come to the same result? I can not read and adjust the files individually because there are too many of them.

I would love to be able to buy some more visualizer loops directly from DJay Pro app! I know there are ways around this by adding your own purchased elsewhere but it would make it much easier to just purchase directly in the app. PLEASE ADD THIS OPTION!!!

So, just to be clear, are you saying that you loaded an audio track in Deck One, played that track, and then, while that track was playing, you were able to also load a video track onto Deck One and have only the video of that track play while the sound from the audio track was playing?

For loops can be used in HubL to iterate through sequences of objects. They will most commonly be used with rendering blog content in a listing format, but they can also be used to sort through other sequence variables.

For loops begin with a {% for %} statement and end with an {% endfor %} statement. Within the {% for %} statement a single sequence item is named followed by in and then the name of the sequence. The code between the opening and closing for statements is printed with each iteration, and generally includes the printed variable of the individual sequence item. Below is the basic syntax of a for loop:

The next example uses conditional logic to check whether the length of the loop is divisibleby certain numbers. It then renders the width of the post-item div accordingly. The example uses the standard blog post loop and assumes that there are 6 posts in the loop.

Loops can also be nested with loops. The child for loop will run with each iteration of the parent for loop. In the example below, a list of child items is printed in a nested  within a  of parent items.

The cycle tag can be used within a for loop to cycle through a series of string values and print them with each iteration. One of the most practical applications to this technique is applying alternating classes to your blog posts in a listing. This tag can be used on more than two values and will repeat the cycle if there are more loop iterations than cycle values. In the example below, a class of odd and even are applied to posts in a listing (the example assumes that there are 5 posts in the loop).

If the dict of information you are looping through has key and value pairs, a simple for loop would only have access to the values. If you wish to have access to both the keys and values within the for loop, the HubL would be formatted as such: 152ee80cbc

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