Standard 8: Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community
If you're looking to grow your leadership in the area of engaging families and the community for greater impact on student achievement and well-being, you're in the right place!
Reflecting on the progression for this standard and noting where you see yourself can help provide direction for next steps in your learning and development. (Please note progressions should be read with an understanding of the Definitions of Effectiveness).
Then, you can decide which of the resources that follow will be of prioritized value.
Principal Progression
Superintendent Progression
Module 1 - Family Engagement v. Involvement
Articles & Resources
Standard 8
Case Studies (include for additional discussion and processing)
Case Study - Elementary/Middle School
Case Study - High School
Module 2 - Building Capacity to Increase Engagement
Articles & Resources
Additional Resources
Family Engagement Core Competencies (2022, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement)
The Relation Between Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Schooling and Children’s Adjustment: A Meta-Analysis (2019, American Psychological Association Study)
Talking Points - an organization "solely focused on family engagement for families of under-resourced, multilingual communities." Offers a two-way translation communication app free to teachers.
Evolving views on parental engagement in schools (Kappan - April 2022; May require subscription)
State leadership to strengthen family engagement programs (Kappan - March 2022; May require subscription)
ESSA Guidance-Parent and Family Engagement Districtwide Policy
Project Appleseed - Many ideas, tools, and activities for engaging families
Video- Karen Mapp "How Family and Community Engagement Has Changed"
The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for School Reform (dated 2003, but remains the primary research on relational trust in schools)
Family Engagement Toolkit: Continuous Improvement through an Equity Lens
Learning Heroes - Resources to inform and equip parents to support children's educational & developmental success (Grades K-8)
ExpandEDSchools - Closing the Learning Gap
Five Lessons Learned about District Leadership for Family Engagement
How Districts Can Lay the Groundwork for Lasting Family Engagement
Organizing Schools for Improvement (Bryk study referenced by Mapp in video)
Free Family Engagement course taught by Karen Mapp via Harvard
Hanover Research Report - Best Practices in Family and Community Engagement
How Do We Involve Families? A Self-Assessment for Partnership Action Teams - Survey Tool