Hidden object games are a great opportunity to try your skills for concentration and focus. They are free; they are fun and very educational, and also appropriate for players of all ages. There is no need to download them, fell free to visit our web page unlimited times! Let the discovery begin!

The curiosity and the intention to discover new things are so typical for the human nature. Actually people develop essentially on this way, learn most effectively about the things researching. That is why hidden object games are becoming favourite online games genre. They answer exactly on the people basic need - to find the hidden answer.

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On this web page you could find a large list of hidden object games that can answer to your appetite for discovering and adventure. For reminding, the main task in these games is to find hidden objects or pictures on the screen. You are usually given a list of names, shapes or other object descriptions, so you should find out these items, if you want to go to the next level.

Maybe it seams easy for you, you concern yourself as a person that has discerning eye but these games are not as easy as they look. Some details are hidden so good that you need hours an hours of detective work. Sometimes they are about finding differences in 2 almost identical pictures, but some hidden object games are about searching for very tiny clues that lead to solving a great mystery.

You could simplify the DCs using a ruby script that deletes the hidden subs, if you find you need to alter one of the DCs later then replace the instance with its definition, it will reactivate with its current settings.

Not sure exactly what you are trying to do here, but maybe the answer is in excel not SketchUp? I always have a top line that catches the unnecessary/extra info generated by report in SketchUp. I do this by sorting the items in the report by my own ListName attribute. If the item is hidden the ListName returns a blank value, so any attributes for hidden items end up compiled in this first line of the report. I wrote a small VBA script to import a SketchUp .csv export into excel that cleans up the import and deletes that line of excess stuff from the report. Maybe something like this could work for you?

These two railings are the same DC with a bunch of hidden subs, different pickets and glass types. All of the hidden parts are summed in the first line of the report, if you ignore the top line the rest of the report is only visible component parts.

The purpose is for a hidden object not to appear in the report.

I want a way to do it without having to edit the table

If I change it level with one condition, I can generate the report from another level without it appearing.

Generally speaking, Enscape should show exactly what the view shows in Revit when switched to "Realistic". Is there something special about the object being shown? Can you post comparison screenshots or even better, you send a small project that reproduces this behaviour to support@enscape3d.com

So, to test. I hide the cube. I then hide the cylinder, then I hide pyramid. Three object hidden at different times. I want to unhide the pyramid the last hidden object. However, running ShowSpecial unhides the cylinder, the second object hidden. Also error as shown.

If I Hide the object in BlockEdit, exit, and answer yes or no, the hidden object is removed from the Block definition, but left in the file.

Running Show reveals it.

Inserting the embedded Block a second time reveals that the hidden object is not part of the embedded block definition.

I'm trying to make two forms that aren't displayed at the same time. The first one stays visible when the page opens, but if the user select, the first one should be hidden and the second one might take it's place. So here is my CSS for this:

I apologize if this has been posted before. I am trying to edit a graphic with many fine points and I want to make different variations of the same design in aggregate. However when I select same "fill stroke and color" it will select objects which are locked (so should not be selectable), as well as if they are hidden. I also tried putting the object I don't want it to select in a different layer (as well as locking and hiding it) and it still gets selected. I've posted a picture below to show you what I mean.

It would be very helpful if you could set whether locked or hidden layers should be ignored when using "Select same". As it is implemented at the moment, this function is almost useless if you have many objects of the same kind on different layers and want to select them only on one layer.

when I want to select all symbols of a certain stroke weight or stroke colour my organised layers are ignored and all instances are selected even if they are on hidden or on locked layers. This is very counter intuitive and I can't find any efficient work flow other than one by one picking hundreds of objects hoping I didn't miss any.

It would make more sense, AND be more useful if locked and hidden layers could not be selected. After all, they are hidden or locked for the very purpose of not wanting to change them, yet the command to "select-same... " overrides that very intentional choice to lock and hide. I would like to know whether this was an oversight in the implementation or whether there is some useful reason for this behaviour. For me it is worse than useless, because I can often not see what "select same" has selected because most of the time, most of my very large map is off-screen.

I too am curious about this. I think about things like this and try to come up with a reason why there isn't any option available to choose from Select all, unlocked, visible, hidden, locked. Obviously coding a Select All is going to be far easier than giving choices. Also, with choices comes the question Where to place those choices? In the Menu as checked items or as a preference so as to keep the clutter down in the menu. We can only hope that this will be forthcoming.

Since my last comment i discovered one mitigating action, that does not solve the functionality I need, but at least prevents me inadvertantly selecting and editing hidden and locked objects that would be off-screen even if they were visible. The "Edit All Layers" icon at the bottom left of the Layers panel restricts editing. When toggled "on" it allows selection absolutely everywhere regardless of intentional hiding and locking by the user, and when toggled "off", it is too extreme in the opposite way of limiting selection to the currently selected layer only.

it is VERY hard to see from the appearance of the "Edit All Layers" icon whether it is actually "on" or "off". I mean VERY hard, such that I have to click several times to compare the two icon shadings. I've tried different interface colouring options, and none alleviate this lack of distinction. So it is easy to have one's intentions thwarted with a selection that is too unrestricted or too constrained, and not notice this until multiple edits have been done, only to notice some time later, that in other layers or other areas of the design, many objects that I thought were safely hidden or locked have been moved, or edited, or worse - deleted.

I also tried this in another project, in which I wanted a powerup to be hidden until the player pushes a button to make it appear. However, despite being hidden, the player was still able to pick it up. I wanted to make it so the powerup CANNOT be collected unless it can also be seen as well.

Maybe I misunderstand something here but what is wrong with the condition to check if object and layer is visible? Or you did not know it is exist?

visibility-object1498278 34.8 KB

visibility-layer2038446 59.7 KB

I'm having an issue when choosing "fade" transition between slides (which is almost every time). If I have hidden objects in the next slide (set up by "changing the state of X when slide timeline starts"), these hidden objects will be shawn while the transition occurs, and hide when the next slide is alpha 100%.

Have you tried using the trigger, "Change State of Object to Normal when the Timeline Reaches (amount of time)"? This would change the state of the hidden object and still see the fade exit animation when the timeline ends.

Here's the case : i work on complex mesh. i hide the other part and work on current mesh, but sometime i want to go detailing further, so i hide again some faces , then do the work here, then i just want to go back to unhide just the last one, because if i use 'unhide' it will unhide all object , so i have to repeat the process of my hidden object setup again. moving to other layer can be to much for every single simple task.

Imagine a square white background, I put a circular logo in middle of it. But during making the logo, some left over logos(or objects) are put outside the square background(let, on right side of bg). Now I want to export just the white bg and logo(in middle of it) but I get white bg (with logo) and transparent blank space on right side of bg.

Something like "use surface to filter objects/features behind the surface at the mouse pointer off" Or "if you can't see it, don't select it"... that kind of thing. Pretty basic, and even a simple toggle on several -other- platforms.

This is more of a workaround. Since the parts aren't visible, you can create a view-specific layer and place the hidden components onto this layer and hide it. This will disable prehighlighting for those components in that view. It would be nice if Creo had a check box for this in the view properties under sections.

Yes, we hid the object in UDT and were expecting it to be not available when we change the data source of webi report. But, it appears a bug that we still see this object when we try to change the data source.

The common basic structure of HOPAs allows you to notice the differences between studios, picking out favourite developers or franchises, as with authors or TV showrunners. I have a preferred style for the hidden object scenes themselves. I like them to be incredibly cluttered, but I hate finding long, thin objects because I struggle to notice them, despite knowing the familiar hiding spots. On the origami side, returning to a scene for a different set of objects offers that flicker of familiarity I get from paper base shapes, and a similar divergence of purpose. 0852c4b9a8

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