The episode begins with Blair and Dorota getting all her things ready to head to school, Dan eating a waffle before heading off to school, and Serena packing before leaving for Brown. At NYU, Chuck drops Blair off and tells her he doesn't think she'll like the dorms. She insists that she has to live in them for at least a little while to become queen, but he reminds her college isn't high school. However, she promises she knows what she is doing. At the VDW's, Serena is on the phone with Dan and she advises him to make up with Vanessa. She mentions how lucky he is to be at the right place for him, and he asks if it's the same with her and Brown. After a pause, she says she has to go back to packing. At NYU, Dan meets a girl named Katie who recognizes him from the time he was published in The New Yorker. She invites him to come to her writer's group. Back at the VDW's, Rufus tells Serena that her car is ready to take her to Providence and that he and Lily are proud of her. Back at NYU, Dan runs into Scott and Vanessa. He officially meets Scott, and then the three spot Blair heading into a dorm. She tells them that at NYU they don't know each other, and all agree. At The Palace, Serena goes to Chuck and asks for a place to stay since she isn't planning on going to Brown.

At NYU, Blair begins mentoring freshmen. She provides gift bags for them, and excitedly whispers to Dorota that things are going even better than she expected. Right after, Georgina enters the room and announces that she is Blair's roommate. She promises it was just a coincidence, and continues to unpack her things. Vanessa overhears and enters, saying that her room is just down the hall. Frustrated, Blair goes into the hallway to call Dorota and tell her that they need to plan and throw a party. At The Palace, Serena explains to Chuck that she isn't ready to go to college because she isn't excited. He asks her if it has to do with Carter and when she says no, he agrees to let her stay. But he does ask her to go away for the evening so he can meet with people to open a speakeasy; a restaurant upstairs and a club downstairs. She is impressed and agrees to let him meet with his people. Back at the NYU bookstore, Dan and Vanessa make up but before they can talk much, Georgina appears and apologizes for the past. She asks if they can go out for coffee, but when they refuse, she says she understands and leaves. Vanessa tells Dan that they were too harsh, and says everyone does deserve a second chance. She follows her anyway. Meanwhile, Nate and Bree are laying low in her family's apartment. They make an agreement to hole up together for the next 24 hours to fast forward through their relationship. That evening, Chuck is meeting with his people when Serena enters the suite, saying she had to change her shoes because her heel broke. He excuses himself to take a call from his lawyer, and Serena asks if they're going to lease him the space. The rep says they're going to, and she mentions the club, which the man had no idea about, effectively killing the deal. At NYU, Blair opens the doors to her sushi party but is surprised when no one even comes out to investigate. A girl named Amalia introduces herself, and explains that maybe no one is there because they're all watching a movie down the hall together. Back at The Palace, Chuck angrily confronts Serena about killing his deal. She apologizes, and says it was a mistake. Back at NYU, Blair finds everyone just finishing watching a documentary made by Vanessa. She tries to announce her party, but Georgina speaks for everyone when she says no one is interested.

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