the Syllabus


Syllabus requirements are outlined in the Faculty Contract in Article 9, Section 9B on page 36.

  • Instructor's name and contact information (office number, phone number, voicemail, & email)
  • Office Hours
  • Textbook(s) & required supplies
  • Explanation of grading policy and how final grades will be calculated
  • Important dates (last day for a "W", date and time of the final exam, etc.)
  • Safety requirements
  • Statement of student responsibilities, behaviors, and expectations
  • Summary of the general course content, course objectives, and prerequisites


The syllabus is a contract between you and your students. You should outline your expectations of them and make clear what they can expect from you. This should be the first place students go to answer questions they have about the course structure so it should be well-developed. Think of your syllabus as an opportunity to welcome your students to Chabot and to your class. Use welcoming, student-friendly language. Your syllabus will likely change from semester to semester and that is okay! It should grow and adapt to your teaching style and the needs of your students.

Recommended components of a syllabus include (but are not limited to):

  • Dates of exams, project due dates
  • Course calendar outlining what topics/sections will be covered each day
  • What's the best way for students to reach you?
  • Email etiquette
  • Statement regarding academic integrity and the consequences if a student is found cheating or plagiarizing in your class
  • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's)
  • Information about college resources