Neville High School

tiger band

About Tiger Band

Our mission is to help Neville High School band students grow in musicianship, make memories, and find success through dedication and teamwork. Through their participation, our band students are given countless opportunities to become leaders, improve our school's overall pride and spirit, and attend band trips every spring. The invaluable lessons, friendships, and skills our students acquire last well beyond high school years. Further, pep band participation can guarantee college scholarships at most institutions! Our highest priority has always been, and will continue to be, student health and safety.

Our virtual band room

Links updated regularly!


Extra Resources, Links, Codes, etc.

Google Classroom Codes

  • 1st Period Brass - 75jbkbd

  • 1st Period Woodwinds - xjnp5vn

  • 2nd Period Percussion - ybe7shs

  • 3rd Period Beginning Band - q7dkupw

  • 4th Period Jazz/After School Jazz - unmxzys

  • 4th Period Tiger Twirlers - lk6lidz

The BAND App - communication app for band students and parents
