Material design system icons are simple, modern, friendly, and sometimesquirky. Each icon is created using our design guidelines to depict in simpleand minimal forms the universal concepts used commonly throughout a UI.Ensuring readability and clarity at both large and small sizes, these iconshave been optimized for beautiful display on all common platforms and displayresolutions.

We have made these icons available for you to incorporate them into yourproducts under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to remix and re-share these icons and documentation in yourproducts. We'd love attribution in your app's about screen, but it's not required.

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The complete set of material icons are available on the material icon library. The icons are available for download in SVG or PNGs, formats that aresuitable for web, Android, and iOS projects or for inclusion in any designertools.

The material icon font is the easiest way to incorporate material icons withweb projects. We have packaged all the material icons into a single font thattakes advantage of the typographic rendering capabilities of modern browsers sothat web developers can easily incorporate these icons with only a few lines ofcode.

The icon font weighs in at only 42KB in its smallest woff2 format and 56KB in standard woff format.By comparison, the SVG files compressed with gzip will generally be around 62KB in size, but thiscan be reduced considerably by compiling only the icons you need into a single SVG file with symbolsprites.

Similar to other Google Web Fonts, the correct CSS will be served to activate the'Material Icons' font specific to the browser.An additional CSS class will be declared called .material-icons.Any element that uses this class will have the correct CSS to render these icons from the web font.

In addition, the CSS rules for rendering the icon will need to be declared torender the font properly. These rules are normally served as part of the GoogleWeb Font stylesheet, but will need to be included manually in your projects whenself-hosting the font:

This example uses a typographic feature called ligatures, which allows rendering of an icon glyph simply by using its textual name. The replacement is done automatically by the web browser and provides more readable code than the equivalent numeric character reference.

Find both the icon names and codepoints on the material icons library by selecting any icon and opening the icon font panel. Each icon font has a codepoints index in our git repository showing the complete set of names and character codes (here).

These icons were designed to follow the material design guidelines and they look best when using the recommended icon sizes and colors. The styles below make it easy to apply our recommended sizes, colors, and activity states.

Using the icon font allows for easy styling of an icon in any color. In accordance with material design icon guidelines, for active icons we recommend using either black at 54% opacity or white at 100% opacity when displaying these on light or dark backgrounds, respectively. If an icon is disabled or inactive, using black at 26% or white at 30% for light and dark backgrounds, respectively.

The material icons are provided as SVGs that are suitable for web projects. Individual icons are downloadable from the material icons library. The SVGs are also available from the material design icons git repository under the path:

PNG is the most traditional way to display icons on the web. Our downloads from the material icons library provide both single and double densities for each icon. They are referred to as 1x and 2x respectively in the download. Icons are also available in the git repository under:

The Vector Drawable is currently only available as a black 24dp icon. This is for compatibility with our most standard icon size. To render the icon in a different color, use drawable tinting available on Android Lollipop.

Material icons also work well within iOS apps. In both the material icons library and git repository, these icons are packaged up in Xcode imagesets which will work easily with Xcode Asset Catalogs (xcassets). These imagesets can be added to any Xcode Asset Catalogs by dragging them into Xcode on to the asset catalog or by copying the folder into the xcasset folder.

The imageset contains the single, double and triple density images (1x, 2x, 3x) so they work on all known iOS screen densities. Both black and white icons are provided, but we recommend using UIImage's imageWithRenderingMode with UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate which will allow the image to be used as an alpha mask that can be tinted to any possible color.

Languages such as Arabic and Hebrew are read from right-to-left (RTL). For RTL languages, UIs should be mirrored to display most elements in RTL. When a user interface is mirrored for RTL, some of the icons should also be mirrored. When text, layout, and iconography are mirrored to support right-to-left UIs, anything that relates to time should be depicted as moving from right to left. For example, forward points to the left, and backwards points to the right. However, be mindful that the context in which the icon is placed also influences whether an icon should be mirrored or not.

Icons should only be mirrored if their direction matches other UI elements in RTL mode. When an icon represents visual features of your website that are different in RTL, then the icon should also be mirrored in RTL. For example, if the numbers in a numbered list are on the right side in the RTL language, then the numbers should be on the right side of the mirrored icon.

This Android developer article describes in-depth how to implement RTL user interfaces. By default on Android, icons are not mirrored when the layout direction is mirrored. You need to specifically mirror the appropriate icons when needed, either by providing specialized assets for RTL languages, or using framework functionality to mirror the assets.

By default, images' semantic content is set to unspecified. This causes them to be mirrored in RTL mode. If you do not want an icon to ever be mirrored, you need to explicitly set it to be forceLeftToRight. Apple calls out some exceptions that should not be mirrored, such as media playback (Fast Forward, rewind, etc.), musical notes, images indicating the passage of time, etc.

There are three families of Font Awesome icons - each with a unique look, class name, and @font-face font-family. In both Font Awesome Classic and Sharp, there are five styles of Font Awesome icons. Here are some examples:

If you don't specify a family class name, our styling toolkit will render icons in Font Awesome Classic, the original look and feel that's always in style. But if you need to reference the Classic family, you can just add the fa-classic in your icon's HTML class names. If you want to change any or all icons to use Sharp, just add fa-sharp in the same manner!

We designed Font Awesome for use with inline elements, and we recommend that you stick with a consistent element in your project. We recommend usingĀ  element with the Font Awesome CSS classes for the style class for the style of icon you want to use and the icon name class with the fa- prefix for the icon you want to use. Accessibility-minded folks may want to opt for the element instead of .

We've updated many of our icon names in Version 6 to make them more universal and consistent. But we wanted to make sure not to break your existing code, so we made aliases for renamed icons to allow them to work with either the old or new names.

When I click on the icons it redirects to the chrome website of the app. For example for gmail app it opens on chrome.I saw the URL had a parameter that said "web-application". I tried looking all the suggested questions but either they don't answer my question or the answer doesn't apply to my version 22.04.

UIkit comes with its own SVG icon system and a comprehensive library, which comprises a growing number of elegant outline icons. This component injects SVGs into the site, so that they adopt color and can be styled with CSS.

To apply this component, add the uk-icon attribute to a or element. To display the actual icon, you need to append the icon: NAME parameter to the attribute. Et voil, you have a vector icon which inherits color just like your text does.

Copy the Bootstrap Icons SVGs to your directory of choice and reference them like normal images with the element.Icon fontIcon fonts with classes for every icon are also included for Bootstrap Icons. Include the icon web fonts in your page via CSS, then reference the class names as needed in your HTML (e.g., ).

You can also use the SVG within your CSS (be sure to escape any characters, such as # to %23 when specifying hex color values). When no dimensions are specified via width and height on the , the icon will fill the available space.

Coda comes with a default set of icons, which can be used in doc titles, page titles, buttons, reactions, and more. But custom icons allow you to add even more personality to your doc - whether you want to get more professional or more whimsical.

Click the trash can icon to remove the icon from the workspace library. This will ensure no one can use this icon any longer within the workspace, but will not impact any docs or folders currently using the icon.

In Android 12 and above Google changed the way Splash Screens are displayed, using a smaller icon with colored background instead of a full screen image that was possible with Android 11 and below. Additional documentation about this change can be found at

BootstrapVue icon components are built from bootstrap-icons v1.5.0 source SVGs. Icons are opt-in, meaning that they explicitly need to be imported in order to be used. They are not installed by default. You do not need bootstrap-icons as a dependency.

Icons inherit the current font color and font size from their parent container element. To change the color of the icon, refer to the Variants section, and to change the size of the icon refer to the Sizing section. ff782bc1db

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