Neural Weight Search

for Scalable Task Incremental Learning

Jian Jiang, Oya Celiktutan

WACV 2023

Contribution of the project

Given a set of weights (Meta Weights) of a network well-trained for a task on a large-scale dataset, NWS builds a new network for an arbitrary task by using Meta Weights with repetition but without changing the values of weights. Saving networks in indices of weights results in a vast memory reduction.


Task incremental learning aims to enable a system to maintain its performance on previously learned tasks while learning new tasks, solving the problem of catastrophic forgetting. One promising approach is to build an individual network or sub-network for future tasks. However, this leads to an ever-growing memory due to saving extra weights for new tasks and how to address this issue has remained an open problem in task incremental learning. In this paper, we introduce a novel Neural Weight Search technique that designs a fixed search space where the optimal combinations of frozen weights can be searched to build new models for novel tasks in an end-to-end manner, resulting in a scalable and controllable memory growth. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks, i.e., Split-CIFAR-100 and CUB-to-Sketches, show our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with respect to both average inference accuracy and total memory cost.

Neural Weight Search



    • Neural Weight Search is out-of-the-box mechanism that can be easily integrated with modern deep learning methods.

    • NWS builds a new model by searching layer-wise pools for the optimal combinations of grouped weights (with repetition).

    • Inside a NWS-built model, there could be heavily redundant grouped weights in the same layer.

    • Given a number of models to build, NWS can offer a large memory reduction with competitive inference accuracy.

Potential Applications

  • Network Sparsification

  • Network Compression

  • Mix-of-Experts

  • Customized Network



title={Neural Weight Search for Scalable Task Incremental Learning},

author={Jiang, Jian and Celiktutan, Oya},

booktitle={IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},


