Welcome to NetZeroPLUS Canada
Founded in 2022, NetZeroPLUS Canada is a non-profit organization that promotes a transparent path to net zero emissions, by addressing the many barriers which prevent adoption of clean energy technologies from being qualified as renewable energy.
One of the barriers slowing the transition off fossil fuels is the plethora of measurement systems such as calorie, Btu, HP, mtoe and many other terms. Our goal is to bring simplicity to these measures by quantifying ALL energy capacities as kW and ALL energy outputs as kWh, which will facilitate the comparison of energy production & energy consumption, as well as GHG emission reductions.
An example of how this transition would assist energy & environmental goals, is to consider the technology of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) which produce thermal renewable energy from the earth on a fully dispatchable basis. Citing 2021 federal data, the average household in Canada consumes 21,000 kWh a year of secondary energy for space heating, water heating & space cooling, plus another 5,000 kWh for lights & appliances. Installation of a GSHP would produce 21,000 kWh but require 6,000 kWh for compressor, pumps, etc at minimally allowed efficiency level. In addition, the cost to install GSHP is much lower if it is installed during building construction, when excavation equipment is on site and before the property is landscaped.
With GSHP, the building would produce 21,000 kWh of renewable energy and consume 11,000 kWh (6,000 + 5,000) of grid power (which may be solar or wind), so it can be classified AND verified as NetZeroPLUS while also eliminating 3,200 kg of carbon emissions each year.
If ALL residential & commercial buildings in Canada installed GSHP, they would produce 536 billion kWh a year of renewable energy and avoid emission of 85 billion kg of carbon emission.

Learn More About NZP
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