Computer Networks


Week 1: What is Internet? Viewpoints about network

                     Network edge

                     Network Core: packet switching vs circuit switching

                     Network Structure

                     Delay Loss, Throughput

                    Protocol, Protocol Layers

                    Glance to Network Security

Week 2: Application Layer


                    Web & HTTP, electronic mail: SMTP, POP3, IMAP

                     DNS, P2P Applications

Week 3:  Socket Programming with UDP & TCP

                     Transport Layer

                              Services, Multiplexing & Demultiplexing

                   Connectionless Transport: UDP

                   Reliable Data Transfer

 Week 4:  Connection Oriented Transport: TCP

                      Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control

Week 5: Network Layer: Data Plane

                   Overview: data plane, control plane

                   Router Architecture

                   Internet Protocol: IPv4 vs IPv6

                   Generalized Forward & SDN

Week 6: Network Layer: Control Plane

                    Routing Protocols: Link State, Distance Vector

                    Intra-AS routing in the Internet

                   Routing among the ISPs: BGP

                    SDN Control Plane

                    ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol

                    Network Management & SNMP

Week 7: Link Layer & LANS

                    Introduction, Services

                    Error Detection, Correction

                    Multiple Access Protocols

Week 8: LAN

                   Link Virtualization

                   Data Centre Networking

Week 9: Wireless & Mobile Networks

                    Wireless Links, CDMA

                    IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs

                    Mobility: Principles, MobileIP, Protocols

Week 10 and 11: Security

                   Principles of Cryptography

                   Integrity, Authentication

                   Securing e-mail

                   Securing TCP: SSL

                   Securing Network Layer: IPSec, VPN

                   Securing wireless LAN


                   Intrusion Detection Systems