Privacy Policy

PrivacyNet VPN App Privacy Policy


This privacy policy for the PrivacyNet VPN application sets out our commitment to protecting user data. It outlines our practices regarding the collection, retention and processing of user information. We strictly adhere to the guidelines set out in this document. Users are advised to read this policy in detail to understand our data management methods. By installing the PrivacyNet VPN application, the user agrees to the following. We encourage you to revisit this policy periodically to keep up with any changes.

Data collection and processing:

PrivacyNet VPN app takes user privacy very seriously and does not collect user data. All information used by the application is restricted to the user's device, ensuring that only the individual user can retrieve it.

Cooperation with advertisers:

Although the PrivacyNet VPN Application may be affiliated with third-party advertisers, we are not responsible for the practices of these entities. It is important to note that these third parties have their own privacy policies and user agreements, which may differ from ours. By using the PrivacyNet VPN app you understand and agree to our advertising campaigns.

User data accessibility:

Our primary concern is the protection of user privacy. We guarantee that we will not access any personal data as it is stored securely on your device and only you can access it.

Policy revision:

The core team of the PrivacyNet VPN app reserves the right to modify or update this policy as it sees fit. Announcements related to these changes will be reflected directly in the policy document on this page. Users are advised to review this policy regularly to be fully informed and to avoid any misunderstandings.

Questions and clarifications:

Users are warmly invited to contact our support team if they have any questions or require more information about this Privacy Policy or the User Various communication methods, including written mode, can be used to suit the user's convenience.