Free Version

Network scanDiscover and manage all network devices.
Wake On LAN (WOL) Allow to wake up a remote device.
Secure SHell (SSH) Switch off, stand-by or monitoring remote device.
Wifi scan Find all near wifi networks.
Wifi connection informationShow all information about wifi connection.
Mobile provider informationShow all information about mobile connection.
Monitoring remote devices Show remote devices information.
Monitoring access to network wifi Monitoring if new devices are connected to wifi.
Ping functionality Send ICMP packet to target host.
Port scanner Discover all ports opened.
Backup/Restore on local folder Backup/Restore database inside the smartphone.
Import/Export data from/to .csv Import/Export all network information from/to .csv.

PRO Version

Network scanDiscover and manage all network devices.
Wake On LAN (WOL) Allow to wake up a remote device.
Secure SHell (SSH) Switch off, stand-by or monitoring remote device.
Wifi scan Find all near wifi networks.
Wifi connection informationShow all information about wifi connection.
Mobile provider informationShow all information about mobile connection.
Monitoring remote devices Show remote devices information.
Monitoring access to network wifi Monitoring if new devices are connected to wifi.
Ping functionality Send ICMP packet to target host.
Port scanner Discover all ports opened.
Backup/Restore on local folder Backup/Restore database inside the smartphone.
Import/Export data from/to .csv Import/Export all network information from/to .csv.
Traceroute Send packet and trace them.
IP calculator Calculates broadcast, network, wildcard mask and host range.
MAC address lookup
Network positionShow the position of network scanned.
Monitoring internet connection Monitoring if the internet connection is available.
IP locationShow the IP address position.
DNS lookup
Speed test