we all know that MS offers net6.0-windows target framework(I still think RID - win7-x64; linux-x64; etc - overlaps/intersects with targetFramework). however, at the same time there's no net6.0-linux target framework. i wonder why ? what if i'd like to write specifically for linux using net6 ? literally, not crossplatform, but specifically target linux only. how i can conditionally reference a project/nuget based on os platform ? we all know how to reference different projects for different targets, but how to reference different projects/nugets based on platform ? what if i have engine.csproj where i conditionally - DURING COMPILE TIME - would like to reference different libraries depending on target OS.

Create the project for regression testing according to -pro-sdk/wiki/ProGuide-Regression-Testing .It works when I am using target platform net6.0-windows but when I am using Target Framework Moniker net6.0-windows10.0.18362.0 it is even not trying to run and do not have any log information to find the reason of the issue. it just not running:

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error NETSDK1005: Assets file 'Z:\Projects\xxxx\aspnet-core\src\xxxx.Application.Contracts\obj\project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net6.0-ios'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net6.0-ios' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.

I got a error when we added Telerik.UI.for.MAUI.Trial 1.0.1 reference into my MAUI class libraries, It said Project XXX is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0). Project XXX supports: net6.0-windows10.0.19041 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)

It sounds like the testing framework you're using is balking at the fact that the class library project doesn't have a separate net6.0 TFM. This is what I meant about contacting that dependency author and asking them to add net6.0-android, net6.0-windows, net6.0-maccatalyst and/or net6.0-ios.

The bottom line is you cannot use UI code (Telerik UI for MAUI) in a non-UI, net6.0 only, class library. Telerik U for MAUI is dependent on the target platform, so any project it is referenced in must define MAUI TFM when that is compiled. It is not a platform-agnostic component library that can be compiled in a platform-agnostic net6.0 only library.

But we have created UI libraries with MAUI UI controls which allows us to compile in net6.0 and it is consumed by application exe assembly which targets to specific platforms like net6.0-windows and net6.0-maccatalyst. We are not consuming this class libraries in .net6.0 application which can be issue.

The problem is that class library project is trying to compile a dependency that only supports .NET MAUI into an assembly that only targets the lowest common denominator net6.0. This is not possible because net6.0 does not have any support for .NET MAUI (remember, .NET MAUI is net6.0-ios/net6.0-android/etc)

I do understand what you're trying to do, the bottom line is we do not surface any assemblies that are compatible for only the net6.0 target because our code is only for .NET MAUI platforms. To simply say it; Telerik UI for MAUI is for .NET MAUI, not .NET 6.0

I also wanted to share news that I've spoken with product owners and they are currently working on adding net6.0 TFM to our compiled assemblies so that it can be used in this scenario. I can't promise anything right now, but barring any serious blockers, you should be able to use your original combined setup in a future release.

Once all our projects are on either .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET 6 it is time to migrate the .NET Standard 2.0 ones to .NET 6. As I said earlier, .NET Standard 2.0 shouldn't be used anymore and .NET 6 has a richer API. So all of your libraries should be migrated to .NET 6. But this is a very easy step - just change the TargetFramework to net6.0 and you are done.

net5.0 is for code that runs everywhere. It combines and replaces thenetcoreapp and netstandard names. We also have platform-specific frameworks,such as net5.0-windows (and later also net6.0-android, and net6.0-ios).

While creating a new NuGet package this week I stumbled upon the TargetFramework property in my .csproj file, and thought by myself,should I use netstandard2.1, netstandard2.0, net5.0, net6.0 or net7.0. Or even a combination of them using the TargetFrameworks (plural) property of the .csproj file.

With these elements we are telling the build system to only compile certain files when a specific platform is selected and otherwise simply ignore them based on their filename. For example, we only want the Android-specific C# files with the Android.cs suffix to be compiled when the target platform is net6.0-android or net7.0-android (or higher). In all other cases, the files are removed from compilation.

Note: Often, you will come across similar setups where the .NET version is hard-coded in the conditions of the elements, like in the official documentation. That's fine if you don't plan to upgrade to newer .NET versions, but I just switched from net6.0 to net7.0and this way, I had less to adjust in my project file.

I'll start with the Console template (class library is the same: -us/dotnet/core/tutorials/library-with-visual-studio?pivots=dotnet-5-0) because it's the baseline by which you'll judge all others. You can think of net6.0 as the cross-platform target framework moniker (TFM).

Apps that target the net6.0 TFM will work on all supported operating systems and CPU architectures. The APIs exposed via the net6.0 TFM are designed to work everywhere, like HttpClient. There are platform compat analyzers that warn you in the few cases where APIs are OS-specific.

As an aside, the net6.0 TFM, and net5.0 before it, satisfy the same purpose as .NET Standard. .NET Standard is still supported but Microsoft is no longer making new versions. You can think of net6.0 as your new .NET Standard, if you'd like. One of the major improvements over .NET Standard is that it works for apps, not only libraries.

There are two differences to call out. The first is that Microsoft has extended the target framework to describe and include operating system APIs. The change was first made in .NET 5. This is apparent in net6.0-windows because Windows is an operating system. Although Windows Forms and WPF aren't Windows APIs, they're available only on Windows and rely heavily on Windows technologies. As a result, Microsoft chose to expose them with the Windows-specific TFM. Windows APIs, including Windows Forms and WPF, aren't available if you target the cross-platform net6.0 target framework.

Before I switch to looking at other operating systems, let's take a closer look at the Windows TFM. The new net6.0-windows has no version number, yet .NET 6 supports multiple Windows versions. The version-less TFM (as it relates to the operating system) targets the lowest-supported operating system version. In this case, that's Windows 7. If you want access to WinRT APIs, you need to target Windows 10. You can use net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10, version 1809, for example.

These TFMs are version-less, just like net6.0-windows. They are all equivalent to the lowest-supported versioned TFM for each of those operating systems. For example, net6.0-ios and net6.0-ios14 are equivalent. For .NET 7, perhaps net7.0-ios and net7.0-ios15 will similarly match.

You may not be familiar with Mac Catalyst. It's a newer macOS application type defined by Apple and a variant of iOS (including iOS UI APIs) that's optimized for desktop apps. Its primary purpose is to make source code sharing between iOS and macOS platforms easier and to provide macOS developers with access to the newest Apple APIs (which have historically only been available with iOS). For .NET 6, Microsoft decided to prioritize Mac Catalyst over Mac (classic). There's no support with .NET 6 for creating non-Mac Catalyst Mac apps and no net6.0-macos target framework.

You can specify multiple TFMs to enable multi-targeting. To do this you also change to a TargetFrameworks element. For example to target both .NET 6 and .NET Standard 2.0 you would have: net6.0;netstandard2.0;

This post is about how to update an existing ASP.NET Core 5.0 MVC project to ASP.NET Core 6.0. I am sharing my experience while upgrading one of .NET 5.0 project to the .NET 6.0. First we need to upgrade TargetFramework element in the csproj file from net5.0 to net6.0. We can enable other .NET 6.0 framework features as well, like Nullable and ImplicitUsings. ff782bc1db

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