While tshark is really powerful if you want to have fine grained statistics (according to hosts, protocols, ...), it has the main drawback to gather statistics during the time period it is running. As such, it is only good at reporting "instant" statistics but not to report poll traffic at regular points in time to have a view of how your network traffic changes along the day, week, ...

So, according to your needs, you might be interested in the MS Windows net or netstat commands (netstat has option to report statistics by protocol). 'net statistics [Server|workstation]' or 'netstat [-e|-s]' are, as far as network traffic statistics are concerned, the MS Windows equivalents of Linux 'ifconfig' (or 'cat /proc/net/dev' if you prefer).

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I wanted to give you an easier solution, then I used my previous answer to code a fresh windows batch script that iterates every 10 seconds. It monitors download and upload bandwidth/speed in console and logs ammount of bytes transferred in a .csv file.

I had to monitor and log the amount of data downloaded as your case, and found it faster to run a script with the Windows task scheduller than looking for a free software that dump the usual graphics info into a file. Perhaps my homemade script works for you.

Then I processed the the .csv in a spreadsheet software to calc the download speed (bandwidth) using the difference between 2 bytes values over the difference between the 2 matching time values (bytes/seconds).

Looking for an easy way to gather data about road usage? AXIS Speed Monitor seamlessly connects Axis security radar to your visual camera, making it possible to display vehicle speeds, collect statistics, and make informed decisions for improved road safety.

AXIS Speed Monitor is ideal for measuring vehicle speed and monitoring unsecured roads. It collects and processes radar data and presents the data as visual overlays in the camera feed. This means you can display the speed in real-time. By combining this solution with public view monitors, you can send live messages asking speeding drivers to slow down. The data can also be used to trigger other events such as activating strobe lights, triggering alarms, starting camera recordings, and more.

This solution offers an efficient way to gather actionable data to make more informed decisions about the monitored road. The data can be exported as a CSV-file for creating comprehensive graphical overviews. For instance, about the number of vehicles passing per day, and their speed. The information can be used to determine if speed bumps, or other traffic calming devices should be installed.

AXIS D2110-VE Security Radar uses advanced radar technology to offer you extensive 180 area monitoring 24/7 and a low false alarm rate. Ideal in various outdoor installations, it offers two detection profiles for area and road monitoring.

This ACAP application is free and works on Axis cameras together with an Axis radar or a radar-video fusion camera. For a complete list of cameras, go to the compatibility section. To collect statistics, and SD card is needed.

I want to display the current network speed, the read/write speed of the hard disk, CPU and memory usage in taskbar, especially network and hard drive usage, so I can detect unusual activity in time.

Before I used "XMeters" on Windows 10, but now it no longer updates and doesn't support Windows 11; I found a similar tool called "TrafficMonitor", but it seemed unsafe, this is a VT report on TrafficMonitor_V1.84.1_x64.zip.

Use all possibilities of internet agents with maximum effect and minimum effort. With these Windows 11 and Windows 10 internet gadgets, you can check your network in a minute. You can monitor your connection and/or NIC status, external IPv4/IPv6 address, DNS, MAC address and much more. Use any browser straight from the desktop and gain any important information you need in a few seconds. These mini-applications can be very useful helpers. Works with wired and wireless networks.

Not sure how detailed you need it to be, but Process Explorer has smaller tray icons with graphs that you can enable in Options -> Tray Icons. It's a very popular app thanks to its other features and surely works with Windows 11.

NetWorx is a simple yet versatile tool that helps you monitor your Internet connection. It can collect usage data, monitor connection quality and measure the speed of your Internet. It can also assist in identifying possible sources of network problems, ensuring that you do not exceed your ISP usage limits and tracking down suspicious network activity.

NetWorx allows you to monitor a local network adapter or your router, or track the applications on your computer that access the Internet. Collected historical usage statistics are organised into daily, weekly and monthly reports. Real time connection usage is represented by an elegant and highly customisable graph, accompanied by a list of applications accessing the Internet.

Built-in connection Speed Test can run on demand or on a schedule, so you can see if you are getting the promised speeds from your provider. In addition, there is a Connection Monitor that tracks downtime and monitors your ping time throughout the day. Both these features allow you to make sure you are getting a quality Internet connection.

@GeorgeFlorian When using the platformio extension / integration in VSCode, most of the CLI settings can now be specified in the platformio.ini, for things ranging from the board and environment code is being compiled for, upload ports, upload speeds, monitor port, monitor speed, library dependencies, etc, etc.

The point I was trying to make is that the documentation is too quick to refer you to more advanced code, instead of limiting you (me, the noob) to the basics: like opening the project folder where the platformio.ini is and edit it with a .txt editor.

You can manually start the serial from a console. Under windows just open one with win+r and type cmd and then enter. There you can start the monitor with the start it with pio device monitor. You can also do that from the console in VSCode. Start a new console in VSCode by pressing ctrl+shift+p and there type PlatformIO: New Terminal. In this terminal you can also use pio device monitor. To now manually change the bauderate pass the argument discussed int he docs pio device monitor -b 115200.

I would like to ask more questions about this. Does this mean that PlatformIO has those default settings when choosing ESP32 as environment and when I make changes to platformio.ini it overwrites some of those settings ?

When I select Serial Monitor I get a pop-up saying There are task errors. See the output for details. I click on it and it goes to the OUTPUT window and there I have multiple Error: no handler found .

Upload speed and monitor speed are two seperate things; One is the upload speed used for uploading the firmware via bootloader, the monitor speed is the baud rate at which miniterm.py is started in order to read your serial prints, so this has to match the Serial.begin() statement.

Right, because if you delete those lines, the defaults will take over. Since the upload speed for this board is by default 921600 baud, it will be very fast. See platform-espressif32/boards/esp32doit-devkit-v1.json at develop platformio/platform-espressif32 GitHub. As I said, this depends on the board used. Your board supports this very fast upload speed.

Why reupload, first try to press the reset button. It might be that the serial monitor opens slightly too late after the upload and the ESP32 has already started the code execution. You can also add a small delay(1000); in setup() to combat that.

Officially, we don't support headless systems sorry. If you disconnect or turn off the monitor, this can cause your GPU to stop producing an image which will result in a black screen as there is nothing for TeamViewer to capture.

It doesn't work on servers and things like that. To use it I have to RDP into the Server, then x out and log in with TV. Kind of defeats the point of TV tho. The only use I've found for TV is for clients who need support occasionally on their home or laptops or while traveling etc.

hey man so i know im super late but what they are trying to say is to get an hdmi with an integrated GPU so it can trick you pc to thinking its connected to an active display when its not. basically you need a beefed HDMI cable. i personally have always been using this one and it still works for me to this day.

So. Use case, I have 15 computers on my desk to set-up, fairly add-hoc. I install team viewer on each so I can install required applications, I need to move the monitor to each PC before I can control via TV ?

Another use case, I have 3-4 RD Gateway PC's sitting in a rack in case all machines are in use, they now need a monitor on each (or a dummy connector - which when I have tested is very unreliable) before I can login to support them ??

For anyone experiencing this issue, what worked for me was switching between the bandwidth settings. I moved it from Auto select to Optimise speed and the display rendered correctly. You sometimes have to switch back and forth a few times.

I think the guys at TeamViewer calling this a "Limitation, not a bug" is nonsense. It worked in previous versions, and it still works in 15+ when you fudge the settings so it is most definitely a bug and has absolutely nothing to do with the graphics card not sending output, and as a developer I find this explanation embarrassingly inept. Frankly, it's just lazy support.

Hey folks, I stumbled on one solution that worked for me anyway. I have an adapter that plugs into HDMI, and it's kind of an octopus cable that plugs into USB too to get power, and then converts to female DisplayPort. Just plugging in that adapter, which I guess is active in some way, fools the video in to acting like normal. It was just some cheapy adapter off a web site, nothing special. Might work for some of you. Of course that's not as good as a solution that needs no hardware at all, but helps in my application. 152ee80cbc

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