I'm going to throw this out there and see if anyone has a clue on this strange issue. Being in education we rely heavily on a application called smart notebook by smart technologies. I have a particular user that when attempting to launch the application gets an error about .net framework 4.5 client profile not being found/corrupt. The program request you re install it. I've tried this and .net framework repairs. The program works for any other user logged onto this system it's only affecting 1 particular user. The company refuses to say it is anything they can assist with further as their programmers say it's a Microsoft related issue at this point.

Anyone ever seen this type of error/issue? I've also tried blowing away the user profile locally on the machine and letting it recreate but they still receive the same error when attempting to launch the application.

Net Framework 4.5 2 Client Profile Download

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We are developing visual controls for WinForms in .NET, and one of our customers using our products is still compiling all his apps for .NET 4 Client Profile. He has to do this as his customers, some larger companies, would not allow the full install of dot net framework since it contained security risks that were unacceptable to some customers. I wonder, are there any benefits of using .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile nowadays - especially looking at the fact that Microsoft abandoned client profiles with the release of .NET Framework 4.5?

And a related question. To support our customers writing apps for .NET Client Profiles, we provide our controls in two DLLs. One of the DLL is the core functionality redistributed with end-user apps, and the other DLL implements only the design-time functionality. If we do not consider this separation in the context of .NET client profiles, are there any advantages of this separation?

The only good reason to support 4.0 these days is if you need to support Windows XP users. .Net Framework Supported OS by Version. Newer versions of the framework are available on all versions of Windows except XP.

As you can see, we have System.Web.dll (because of ASP.NET-specific layout renderers and modules) and System.Messaging.dll (because of MSMQ target) which are from extended profile. If I were to distribute NLog 2.0 with those dependencies, people would not be able to compile their client applications using it- this is bad.

What do you think? Which of those options should I choose? Would you prefer a single assembly over multiple ones? Do you think reflection is a good practice to avoid having to deal with client profile limitations?

The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile redistributable package installs the .NET Framework runtime and associated files that are required to run most client applications.The .NET Framework is Microsoft's comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range of business processes.The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with older Framework versions.

Features of Microsoft .NET Framework Client ProfileClient profile for .NET Framework 4.0.30319 Client profile installer Deployment of the .NET Framework for Windows. Compatibility and LicenseIs Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile free to download?Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile is provided under a freeware license on Windows from components with no restrictions on usage. Download and installation of this PC software is free and 4.0.30320 is the latest version last time we checked.

Client profile was basically the version of .NET framework that was optimized for client application (according to MSDN). This basically means it can be used for most of the type of application developed against .NET framework.

This client profile was available in .NET framework 3.5 and 4.0 and to add it was also available on Windows Update for your machine to make commonly available at ease in most of the system and eliminate the headache to install the framework for any freshly prepared machine.

So for application that you develop targeting .NET 4.5 has nothing more to choose, but for people who are developing application targeting 4.0 or 3.5 .NET framework should really decide well which version and profile they target for their application if they are not doing it already.

We currently have an application that has a target framework of .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, and we are attempting to add a reference to Aspose.Words for .NET version and we get the following error:

Warning 1 The referenced assembly "Aspose.Words" could not be resolved because it has a dependency on "System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" which is not in the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client". Please remove references to assemblies not in the targeted framework or consider retargeting your project. 

An ideal customer profile (ICP) is a description of the perfect company or customer you want to target for your business. Companies that fit your ICP are vital for revenue generation as they are more likely to buy, stay loyal to your product, and refer you to others.

These profiles should consist of buyers who will benefit from your product or service while giving you enough value in return to make your business profitable. This ROI could include referrals, buyer insights, testimonials, and revenue.

? Looking for more insight? Alice de Courcy, CMO at Cognism, Charles Crnoevich, Vice President - Partnerships & BD at Bombora, and Matt Gower, GM + Strategic Partnerships EMEA at Bombora, discuss defining your ideal customer profile (ICP) in this two-minute explainer video ?

A customer profile is a data-driven document that describes your current customers. Profiles are based on surveys that gather purchasing behaviors, pain points, psychographic data, and demographics. A customer profile can help you find segments of customers with commonality so you can target them in your sales and marketing campaigns.

This section of the customer profile template describes which of your services your customers rely on and how they use them. You can also include other products or services customers use with your service.

Understanding the client is key to creating engaging advertisements or emails for potential prospects and current clients. Marketers use a customer profile to determine how to customize a message for potential prospects and existing customers.

With a customer profile in hand, your sales team will be able to highlight a customer's pain points and help better sell your product or service as the solution to their problems. Your sales team may even use the customer profile to find ways to create connections with current and future clients.

The customer profile contains all the necessary information your customer service team will need to assist clients in need. It can act as a record of queries, complaints, and previously tried solutions. This will help save time for your customer service team and keep everyone involved from becoming frustrated.

A segmented customer profile recognizes not every prospect is the same. What one customer needs from your business may differ from the next. In a segmented customer profile, each customer type is broken down by demographics, core values, and preferred communication channels.

After some digging, I discovered that System.Runtime.Caching.dll is part of the .Net Full Profile, or the Extended .Net Framework. The systems I was testing on only had the .Net Client Profile installed. The run-of-the-mill framework that is installed on most systems, and that is available via Windows Update, is the .Net Client profile.

Through an ICP framework, you are able to identify, source, and prioritize the right prospects helping your own employees reach a common understanding of the strategies they must implement toward the product. Moreover, product teams are also able to test if they are including and developing the appropriate features with an ICP to refer to.

Running a business without having an ideal customer profile is not going to fetch you any fruitful results. A successful business entails having long-lasting relationships with customers and that is only possible through targeting the right ones.

An ideal customer profile is a fictional description of an organization that would benefit from your product or solutions. ICPs are defined using firmographics such as the revenue of the company, the size of the company, the ideal industry, the ideal location of the company, etc.

For example, if you are selling a recruiting software solution to help organize and speed up the hiring process. The main problems your potential clients could be facing would be, the disorganization of their hiring activities, no proper record keeping, and wasting a lot of time doing extra paperwork.

At this stage, you probably have a rough idea about your existing customers. After your research and analysis, now it is time to collate your findings. Based on what you have gathered, list down a few notable important customer characteristics that you would like in your ideal customer. This can be regarded as a behavioral profile of sorts.

At this stage, you have already identified who your potential ideal customers could be. Now it is time to create an actual Ideal Customer Profile. Creating and implementing your ideal customer profile framework requires a series of steps.

Once you have all the available data from your best customers, try to look for commonalities by comparing their profiles. Some patterns will immediately stand out to you, and others might require closer inspection.

Your ICP should act as a checklist before you start pursuing prospects. By the time you have laid out your ICP framework, you should have a clear picture of the pain points of your customers, the environment they are operating in, and the goals they aim to achieve. Ultimately, your job is to convince them that your product or solution is the best possible option for them as compared to the other options available to them. 006ab0faaa

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