The neo-Kantian Reception of Schiller

International Conference

Naples 24-26 September 2025

Call for Presentations

OPENING: 31 January 2024

DEADLINE: 30 November 2024 



After receiving several high-quality submissions to the Call for Presentations, the committee evaluated the contributions on 20/01/2025. The winners of the call are:

We thank all those who participated in the Call.

We invite Ph.D. students, researchers and scholars to submit abstracts for presentations on the topic of the Conference. Proposals dealing with the reception of Schiller by lesser-known representatives of the neo-Kantian movements (such as Bruno Bauch, Karl Vorlaender, etc.) are particularly welcome.



Abstracts must be submitted by email to after 31 January 2024 and before 30 November 2024.

The proposals must be submitted as a .doc or .docx file labeled with the surname of the submitter (e.g. surname.docx).

At the top of the document, please include the following information: title of presentation, full name, email address, university degree, affiliation, and academic position you will hold at the time of the Conference.

Abstracts must be no longer than 2000 words (excluding footnotes and references) and must be submitted in English.

After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email confirmation within two weeks, please resubmit your abstract to

The submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to give a presentation at the Conference if accepted.



Abstracts will be evaluated by the conference organizers according to the following criteria: consistency with the topic of the event; clarity; relevance; soundness; originality.

Authors will be informed of the decision by 31 January 2025 and – if accepted - will receive further instructions for the presentation at the event.

The presentation must be given in English.

For scholars and researchers with a work contract from a university or research institution at the time of the Conference, travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the University of Naples Federico II. Doctoral students who are working on their doctorate at the time of the Conference will receive a participation fee of 250 euros (minus taxes).



Accepted presentations will be eligible for publication in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to renowned international publishers for publication.

By submitting a proposal, authors agree to eventually convert their presentation into an English manuscript. The criteria for writing the manuscript will be communicated to the winners of the call after the evaluation process has been completed.

Download the pdf of the Call for Presentations