Xorg? I'm not familiar with this aspect of xorg. Normally these directories would be under the home directory. What behavior are you getting when you try to add shortcuts to the nemo sidebar? This has never been a problem for me.

First off thanks for assisting me. I have nemo 2.4.5 and haven't done any extra configuration....I just spent a bit of time looking in the files where nemo is located I can't seem to find any specific config files. I too have a comptuer running Linux mint 17 if I could just find some type of main configuration file I could try and copy some of the things to the machine running arch.

Nemo File Manager Download

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Nemo version 1.0.0 was released in July 2012 along with version 1.6 of the Cinnamon,[3][better source needed] reaching version 1.1.2 in November 2012.[4] It started as a fork of the GNOME file manager Nautilus v3.4[5][6][7][better source needed] after the developers of the operating system Linux Mint considered that "Nautilus 3.6 is a catastrophe".[8][9][10]Developer Gwendal Le Bihan named the project "nemo" after Jules Verne's famous character Captain Nemo, who is the captain of the Nautilus.[10]

I was wondering if this is doable, assuming it is, and how would it be done?

I prefer Nemo file manager from mint and cinnamon and nd was wondering if there is a way to install it in pop os and are there are cons in doing so?

If you are like me, and like the Nemo file manager over the built in Nautilus file manager, here is a guide how to make Nemo the default file manager on your Zorin OS.

I upgraded succesfully my Ubuntu 18.04 default amd64 distribution to Ubuntu 20.04 amd64.On both Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 I was able to encrypt files with gpg from the default files filemanager program.Yesterday I additionaly installed cinnamon on my Ubuntu 20.04.After installation of cinnamon and reboot of my machine I was only able to decrypt encrypted files with Nemo (default filemanager of cinnamon). I was not able to encrypt new files with Nemo, because Nemo has only a decrypt mouse option and not an encrypt option (both option are available in files filemanager programma of gnome). Now, I can only encrypt files from the commandline with the command:

See issue howto to build nemo extension nemo-seahorse version 4.4.0 without libgnome-keyring-devWhen you follow the steps in the link to install the latest cinnamon desktop and install the nemo-seahorse package you can encrypt and decrypt files from nemo filemanager.The problem is now solved.

We can auto-resume training as well by configuring the exp_manager. Being able to auto-resume is important when doing long trainingruns that are premptible or may be shut down before the training procedure has completed. To auto-resume training, set the followingvia YAML or CLI:

In the above config, we explicitly set save_top_k: 1 and always_save_nemo: True - what this does is limit the number ofckpt files to just 1, and also save a NeMo file (which will contain just the model parameters without optimizer state) andcan be restored immediately for further work.

I found a fix for this error which can be found in my answer below. The accepted answer provides an updated set of instructions to make Nemo the default file manager in recent versions of Ubuntu (18.04+ at the time of writing).

Inside this program, click the slider to turn off "Desktop Icons", as shown below. This turns OFF the nautilus desktop icons so that we can just have the nemo desktop icons instead. If you don't do this, you'll get a weird desktop with unusable nautilus desktop icons covered up by usable nemo desktop icons, as shown a couple images down.

Navigate to: org --> nemo--> desktop. You have options to show the following 5 things. Enable whichever ones you like. I recommend you don't change anything else unless you know exactly what you're doing:

(Note that this view is NOT zoomed out all the way. You can still zoom out one more time while still seeing the file names, and one more time after that to see only tiny icons). I LOVE how compact you can see everything! Let this be a model for GUI file manager designers (Microsoft & Apple & Ubuntu/Nautilus, take note! :))

We will install nemo and make it the default, but unlike the Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 instructions above, we will not let nemo control the desktop icons (mostly because I can't figure out how to disable the Gnome-controlled desktop icons once I do). Rather, we will simply tell Gnome to open up the desktop icons, which it controls, in nemo instead of in nautilus.

The cause of the error was Anaconda installation. I finally solved the problem as explained in this answer. To summarise, just comment the lines added by Anaconda to your .bashrc file, follow the instructions for setting Nemo as the default file manager (as per the accepted answer above), and after completing the instructions uncomment the lines in your .bashrc file.

recently I installed nemo as default filemanager replacing the nautilus. So far it work perfectly except the fact that I missed the "right click extract/compress". I've installed nemo 2.2.2 and nemo-fileroller through apt-get command on Ubuntu 14.04.

I am using Nemo File manager for some time now and one of the things that annoyed me a little is the date format it uses for any of the date columns (Date Modified, Date Accessed, etc.). I know there is a setting to change the date format, but the options seems limited. Is there a way to add/set a short date format for the date columns? Something like Mar 8, 12:59 AM rather than Tue 08 2016 12:29:52 AM EST?

If you find a LANG option that you like, you could modify your Exec line accordingly in nemo's desktop file (after backing up the original .desktop file for safety). Alternatively, copy "nemo.desktop" or whatever it's called from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and modify the copied version.

Nemo is a fork of GNOME Files (formerly known as Nautilus). It is also the default file manager of the Cinnamon desktop. Nemo is based on the Files 3.4 code. It was created as a response to the changes in Files 3.6 which saw features such as type ahead find and split pane view removed.

By default, nemo does not generate thumbnails for certain video files due to licensing or patent problems (AVC encoded mp4 and mkv files for example). As such, you might see errors similar to the following in the console:

Since Nemo v3.4.2, the desktop is managed by nemo-desktop. This can be configured to auto start by copying the file /usr/share/applications/nemo-autostart.desktop to ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart.desktop and removing the line OnlyShowIn=X-Cinnamon;.

I googled how to debug nemo, someone said that can debug nemo by installing nemo-dbg, then type sudo killall nemo and gdb nemo on the command line.But I still don't know how to do ...can someone give me any information about it?

I installed nemo-dbg, when I killall nemo, then nemo autorestart, so I can't debug it.Later I executed nemo-launcher, and Ctrl-C to terminate, then nemo is terminated too. After that I debug with gdb nemo, then set breakpoint, eg b copy_move_directory, it works.

Nemo has that in preferences. Left click Edit, go down to Context Menu. Tick the box that says make link, it will then be added to right click menu of your mouse. To solve your dilemma reinstall Nemo, uninstall this version of Nemo, making sure that everything is gone, then reinstall it either via terminal or synaptic. Ignore uninstalling the whole of Nemo, just uninstall libnemo-extension1_5.8.5+victoria, as this extension covers nearly everything Nemo needs. Then reinstall it.

It first occured to me when I put in a DVD or plugged in a USB drive, it always directed me to my old file manager.

Some distros or desktops may be more flexible with this.


I wish you all a

@mia I just want to say, that this issue is really annoying. I am using Insync icon overlays in NEMO desktop manager permanently to check if the file or directory is synced. Now, due to the issue, is my Insync use much less comfortable! So, I will be really very happy for fixed update ASAP!!!

Computers are fancy filing cabinets, full of virtual folders and files waiting to be referenced, cross-referenced, edited, updated, saved, copied, moved, renamed, and organized. In this article, I'm taking a look at a file manager for your Linux system.

The Cinnamon project was formed as a reimplementation of GNOME 2 using the components of GNOME 3. Eventually, it diverged enough to be a true fork, and today the Cinnamon desktop uses GTK3 libraries and forked versions of key GNOME 3 applications to create a "classic" GNOME experience. One of the components contributing to the traditional GNOME experience is Nemo, a file manager based on the GNOME 2 version of Nautilus.

At the top right corner, there are navigation buttons: up, forward, and back. As with many Linux file managers, you can forego the use of these buttons with the Alt key plus the appropriate Arrow key.

I actually do not dislike nautilus as a file manager but this latest changes from ubuntu made it less usefull, and I think nemo (I believe is a cinamon fork of nautilus) is a very good replacement, compatible and with all the necessary features to be a good filemanager.

The following NEW packages will be installed cinnamon-desktop-data cinnamon-l10n gist hddtemp hwdata inxi libcinnamon-desktop4 libnemo-extension1 libxapp1 lm-sensors mesa-utils nemo nemo-data nemo-fileroller xapps-common

Advanced file manager for Linux written in Vala. Supports multiple panes (single, dual, quad) with multiple tabs in each pane. Supports archive creation, extraction and browsing. Support for cloud ... ff782bc1db

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