Wirecast 14 is here! This is an epic release with a LOT of stability and reliability improvements. Additionally, we have several new features including an all new Chroma Key with added Luma Key and Color Key options.

Since its release in 2013, Tally accounted for impacts from manufacturing, maintenance and replacement, and end-of-life. Since then, it has been adopted by hundreds of firms as the best way to get early and iterative life cycle analysis (LCA) information, informing material selection decisions that have real implications on a building's environmental footprint. 


The latest version provides compatibility with Revit 2017 while adding transportation and construction life cycle stages, making Tally fully compliant with the LEED v4 Whole Building LCA credit. The update extends the tool's breadth by allowing design teams to consider the environmental costs associated with delivering a material to the site while also taking into account the resources, particularly electricity, fuel, and water, consumed during construction. 


With this new layer of information, design teams can consider nuanced environmental trade-offs. Will recycled ceiling panels shipped overseas via boat have lower environmental costs than newly-manufactured ceiling panels trucked to the site from a local manufacturer? Which has less of an impact over a building's lifetime: an efficient building envelope that requires an energy-intensive construction process, or a less efficient envelope that consumes little energy during construction? As Tally is used across multiple projects, users can see how environmental impacts and design strategies respond to project-specific factors like project location, material selection, and construction methods.

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 At the core of TBC Version 2023.10 lies a commitment to advancing productivity in the field through targeted feature extraction and streamlining data workflows. Here are some productivity boosts you can expect from this release:

With the assistance of Superior Essex, we have developed the data cabling category and released it publicly. This category covers a range of copper and optical fibre cables used in commercial and datacentre applications.

This is the last release of the current series of releases. The upcoming release will be a Major Version Upgrade. Chef Automate will not upgrade automatically to the major upgrade. Click here to know more.

We resolved some internal technical debt in this release. Reduced technical debt strongly correlates with increased developer well-being, and happier devs are already at work improving Chef Automate for the next release.

In the next Chef Automate release available on April 13th, 2020, users of Identity and Access Management v1 (IAM v1) will automatically upgrade to Identity and Access Management v2 (IAM v2). All IAM v1 users, teams, tokens, and policies will migrate to IAM v2. Some things to keep in mind:

Upgrade Today! The release of the 7.5.0 Audit cookbook brings new features for Automate. Use a version > 7.5.0 of the Audit cookbook with Automate to enable population of IP Address and FQDN fields for JSON and CSV reports in Compliance Reporting.

We fixed the problems in using custom settings for managing node data in this release of Automate and we have increased the testing around managing node data to prevent this problem from recurring in the future.

In the previous release, an externally provided team would have been prefixed twice: for example, admins (LDAP) would be recognized and processed as team:ldap:team:ldap:admins.As a consequence, policies written for team:ldap:admins would fail to match.

Prior to this release, Chef Automate failed to install on systems with a restrictive umask of 0027. Automate is now able to install on systems with this umask without needing to change system settings.

This release fixes an issue that prevented Elasticsearch from starting when there were no mounts available that the hab user could write to and exec from. Elasticsearch now creates and uses its own temp directory for loading the required executable code.

This issue is resolved in this release. ESXi650-202210001 comes with ntg3 driver version 4.1.8. However, after you upgrade the ntg3 driver to version 4.1.8, you must set the new module parameter noPhyStateSet to 1. The noPhyStateSet parameter defaults to 0 and is not required in most environments, except they face the issue.

We are excited to announce the release of TallyPrime 4.1, the latest version of our acclaimed business management software. TallyPrime 4.1 is packed with powerful features and enhancements designed to streamline your business operations, boost productivity, and simplify your accounting processes. Let's delve into the key highlights of this release:

To ultimately simulate the particle tracking through the defined geometry, the collision physics interactions, and variance reduction methods, pseudo-random numbers are used to sample the underlying probability density functions that describe each of the event processes. Each history in the simulation uses a unique sequence of pseudo-random numbers and can therefore be considered independent from other histories in the simulation. Throughout the career of each computational particle, various events that occur can be tallied. The MCNP code contains numerous tallies: surface current and flux, volume flux (track length), point or ring detectors, particle heating, fission heating, pulse height tally for particle counts and energy or charge deposition, mesh tallies, radiography tallies, perturbation/sensitivity tallies, and a collection of specialized tally treatments. These tallies and their statistical uncertainties are calculated across the ensemble of independent history tally contributions.

Important standard features that make the MCNP code versatile and easy to use include a powerful general source, criticality source, and surface source; both a fixed-source and k-eigenvalue solution mode; both geometry and output tally plotters; a rich collection of variance reduction techniques; a flexible tally structure; and an extensive collection of cross-section data. All of the capabilities within the MCNP code can be used on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms, with the majority of the features capable of parallel execution. The application areas that use the predictions of the MCNP code include (but are not limited to): radiation protection and dosimetry, radiation shielding, radiography, medical physics, nuclear criticality safety, critical and subcritical experiment design and analysis, detector design and analysis, nuclear oil-well logging, accelerator target design, fission and fusion reactor design, decontamination and decommissioning, and nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation. 589ccfa754

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