In the sixth world, riggers are people who use datajacks and in most cases a special type of cyberware - called the "rigger control" - to interface with vehicles and drones. Often they also use a remote control deck. The term "rigger" may also be applied to others using these machines.

Riggers jump in to machines to control them with their mind. While jumped in they feel like they are the machine, using the vehicle or drone's sensors to replace their own. This allows the rigger to control the machine at Matrix speeds and with greater precision. The downside is if the machine takes damage the rigger will have to deal with dangerous levels of biofeedback. Likewise the rigger may have to engage in cybercombat with other hackers that are attempting to hijack their devices.

Shadowrun Rigger 5.0 Download


So our current rigger is rerolling his character next mission and I was considering filling his spot, but I wanted some ideas on things I could do with one. Our previous rigger was mostly just the driver with a roto for overwatch and a walker for close combat, but he used utility autosofts on an anthro drone and an agent heavily, though it didn't make him particularly good at any of those things he had a few dice to throw at matrix things, first aid, hardware etc. but I never really liked that style of play since I watched him stand around doing nothing quite a lot. His drones were useful, his meat suit not so much.

"Driver" ala jason statham. Basically just a man with a badass flying car so tech'd out that it would make james bond's Aston Martin look like a cheap economy drekbox. I'd probably focus heavily on mental stats like logic for shooting /w remote gunnery, charisma for bsing my way out of situations, with some decent int/rea because it's required really. Teufelkatze (bought with restricted gear, because this car is totally worth 10 karma) Strictly remote pilot/manual controls, no rigger interface on the car, which will have a faraday cage anyway, plus every door is double locked with a dna maglock that opens up the panel for the transponder key lock, buttloads of armor, spoof chip, morphing plate, chameleon coating, turret etc. etc. and probably a roto drone to serve as surveillance and a remote control gun platform. I might try to work in some magic if I can since I won't need much ware.

Daft Punk. No, really. World Famous rigger/musician with distinctive style who has every concievable bonus to being jumped in, sits in a rigger cocoon in an armored van while attending events as a massively tricked out walker/anthro robot in a flashy suit. If I can avoid burning out I might go adept just for Enthralling Performance for the fun of it. Also not very subtle, but classy as hell.

About the book though. I've played riggers before and I know thatunless you're really having an amazing day you tend to get stuckplaying chauffer to a bunch of ungrateful runners. This book actuallychanges that. The rules were actually done well. There were few if anyareas that I felt had been neglected, and overall it was just a reallygood read.

What's better than a new edition of Shadowrun? A free preview of some of the contents! Meet Emu, a human rigger from Australia who has an army of drones ready for recon, assault, and escape. Her stats and description help shows what she can do, and her dossier includes an account of a shadowrun side-by-side with text explaining how the game rules work in the described situations.

Emu can be used with the forthcoming Shadowrun, Sixth World Beginner Box as a fifth character to expand your shadowrunning options. Either add her now if you already have the box, or get her now and get your first look at the next stage of Shadowrun!

When added to a vehicle, this lets you use a control rig to jump in and control it directly through immersive virtual reality. The standard rigger interface allows the vehicle to be controlled with either a direct fiber-optic cable or wireless link. See Being the Machine, p. 265.

|Description=While most modern governments primarily use electronic identification for vehicles, they still require some sort of physical identification plate to uniquely identify a vehicle. Since being positively identified is something that an average shadowrunner wants to avoid, most install a special morphing license plate. Made from smart materials, a morphing license plate can reshape itself with a Complex Action and mimic any of the forms used in governments around the world today. Runners will typically also purchase a spoof chip keep their vehicle from being identified.

All governments in the civilized world require that a vehicle be uniquely tagged and broadcast that identification on demand. This allows law enforcement and any authorized government agency (and some unauthorized) to quickly identify and track a vehicle. All of that may sound great to the common wageslave, but those are all things that a shadowrunner wants to avoid like a VITAS plague. Consequently, installing a spoof chip has become a common practice for anyone wanted to use a vehicle for their shadow activities. The spoof chip mimics a standard vehicle identifier chip but can be command with a Complex Action to change its identifier to a different random value that is arithmetically generated to appear authentic. Installing a spoof chip requires a Hardware + Logic [Logic] (2) Test.

A common upgrade for shadowrunners, run flat tires are filled with a dense but flexible foam instead of air. They continue to operate even when the tire has been punctured but will quickly deteriorate if the tire suffers significant structure damage.

A well-traveled rigger knows that lots of areas in the world have demanding terrain. Plus, the work of a runner means that they often need to take the path less traveled. For a truly versatile vehicle, there is the hovercraft upgrade. As with all secondary propulsion systems, this is an extensive upgrade that adds an entire alternate means of motion to the vehicle. A large rubber skirt is added all around the vehicle that can be inflated on demand. Steering and control mechanisms are added so that the vehicle can be directed while hovering, which usually involve using compressed air or expanding gas. While hovering, the vehicle only lifts a few centimeters off of the ground, but it can travel across water. Maneuvering is sluggish compared to most standard modes.

For truly exceptional or demanding terrain, some riggers install a walker system of secondary propulsion on their vehicles. Using a variable number (four to eight, as needed) of retractable mechanical legs, the vehicle can deploy the system to give the vehicle the versatility and mobility of a walker. When deployed, the body of the vehicle is lifted about a meter off of the ground to provide clearance from the terrain, with each leg able to move backwards or forwards independently to provide a walking motion. When in walker mode, a vehicle is able to traverse far more rugged terrain than any other propulsion and still be highly maneuverability, though its speed is severely limited. When using the walker mode of secondary propulsion, the vehicle uses those stats for Handling, Speed, and Acceleration. Additionally, while in walker mode, the vehicle has the basic maneuverability of a metahuman meaning it can stop instantly and pivot on the spot.

No self-respecting rigger wants to let their precious vehicle be stolen by some gutter punk with a screwdriver. The anti-theft system modification provides a variety of protection options, depending on the level rating.

A drone rack is an indispensable tool for a rigger who relies on drones to accomplish critical tasks for their team. Drone racks consist of a metal framework or harness designed to allow for quick and easy deployment of a drone in an instant, turning a vehicle equipped with several of them into a powerful, multipurpose drone carrier. Any drone carried in any kind of drone rack can be deployed by spending a Complex Action, or Simple Action if it is wireless enabled. Each drone rack can carry a single drone of a maximum size depending on the size of the rack. Additionally, each drone rack can be standard or landing type.

While this item normally reserved for military use, a resourceful and properly connected shadowrunner has been known to get their hands on a missile defense system (MDS). Using a highly complicated and specialized set of software, the system ties in control of one or more on-board weapon systems to shoot down incoming missiles and rockets while in flight. The system requires the vehicle to have a Sensor rating of 5 (minimum) and at least one weapon capable of Full-Auto fire, or a laser weapon, to be attached via remote control turret weapon mount. When an incoming projectile is detected, the system takes control of all weapons tied into it in order to intercept in the incoming projectile. This supersedes any other current controller of the weapon(s). Ballistics weapons use 20 rounds of ammunition each time the system activates. In game turns, each ballistic weapon tied into the system gives the defender +2 on Defense Tests made against missiles and rockets. Each laser weapon provides +4 dice.

Shadowrunning is not a business where one wants tobe defenseless (or offense-less, for that matter), so riggers often awant to put weapons on their vehicle. While a small number of security or military-class vehicles are designed to mount weapon systems, the vast majority of vehicles are designed and built for civilian use, so installing a weapon system is strictly an after-market affair. Just like the weapons that they support, weapon mounts come in a large variety of shapes and sizes to suit the needs of the weapon as well as the owner. All weapon mounts have four attributes: Size, Visibility, Flexibility, and Control. be457b7860

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